
Vikings in the West: Norse-Insular contact and identities

General readings:

Sawyer, Peter (ed.) 1997: The Oxford Illustrated History of the Vikings. Oxford University Press.Oxford. (Cp. 1-5).

Brink, S and Price, N. 2008 (red.): The Viking World. Routledge. (Ch. 24-32).

Theoretical perspectives:

Gosden, C. 2001: Postcolonial Archaeology. Issues of Culture, Identity and Knowledge. In: Hodder, I. (ed.): Archeological Theory Today. Polity Press. Oxford, p. 241-261.

Jones, S. 1997: The Archaeology of Ethnicity. Constructing identities in the past and present. Routledge.

Stein, Gil 2005: Introduction: The Comparative Arcaeology of Colonial Encounters. I: (red.: G. Stein): The Archaeology of Colonial Encounters. Comparative Perspectives. School of American Research Press/ James Curry. Santa Fe/ Oxford, p. 3-31.

Norse-Insular contact and development of social and cultural identities:

Bakka, Egil 1963: Some English decorated metal objects found in Nowegian Viking graves: contributions to the art history of the eight century A.D. ?rbok for universitetet i Bergen. Humanistisk Serie 1963:1. Norwegian Universities Press. Bergen-Oslo.

Barrett, James H. 2003: Culture Contact in Viking Age Scotland. In: Barrett, J.H (ed.): Contact, Continuity and Collapse. The Norse Colonization of the North Atlantic. Studies in Early Middle Ages, vol. 5. Brepols, p. 73-112.

Bruce-Mitford, Rupert og Raven, Sheila 2005: A corpus of Late Celtic hanging-bowls / Rupert Bruce-Mitford ; with an account of the bowls found in Scandinavia / Sheila Raven Oxford University Press. Oxford. (Chapter on bowls found In Scandinavia by. S. Ravens).

B?e, Johs. 1926: An ornamented Celtic bronze object found in a Norwegian grave. Bergens museums aarbok 1924-25, Historisk-antikvarisk r?kke, 4. Bergen, p. 1-34.

Crawford, Barbara 1987: Scandinavia Scotland. Leicester University Press. Leicester. (Introduction, ch.1-3, 5-6)

Gabor, Thomas 2000: Anglo-Scandinavian Metalwork from the Danelaw: Exploring Social and Cultural Interaction. In: Hadley, D.M. and Richards, J.D. (eds.): Cultures in Contact: Scandinavian Settlement in England in the Ninth and Tenth Centuries. Studies in the Early Middle Ages, vol. 2. Brepols, p. 238-255.

Griffiths, David 2004: Settlement and Acculturation in the Irish Sea Region. I: Hines, J., Lane, A. og Redknap, M. (red.): Land, Sea and Home. Proceedings of a Conference on Viking-period Settlement at Cardiff, July 2001. The Society for Medieval Archaeology Monograph 20. Maney. Leeds, p. 125-138.

Hadley, Dawn M. 2002: Viking and native: re-thinking identity in the Danelaw. Early Medieval Europe 2002 II (1), p. 45-70.

Hallsall, G. 2000: The Viking Presence in England? The Burial Evidence Reconsidered. In: Hadley, D.M. and Richards, J.D. (eds.): Cultures in Contact: Scandinavian Settlement in England in the Ninth and Tenth Centuries. Studies in the Early Middle Ages, vol. 2. Brepols, p. 259-276.

Harrison, Stephen H. 2001: Viking-graves and grave goods in Ireland. In A.-C.- Larsen (ed.): The Vikings in Ireland . Roskilde. p. 61-75.

Larsen, A.C. & Stummann Hansen, S. 2001: Viking Ireland and the Scandinavian Communities in the North Atlantic. In: Larsen, A.C. (ed.): The Vikings in Ireland. The Viking Ship Museum. Roskilde, p.115-126.

Morris, Christopher D. 1998: Raiders, Traders and Settlers. The Early Viking Age in Scotland. I: Clarke, H.B, Ní Mhaonaigh, M. og ? Floinn, R. (red.): Ireland and Scandinavia in the Early Viking Age. Four Courts Press. Dublin, p. 73-103.

Myhre, Bj?rn 1998: The Archeology of the Early Viking Age in Norway. I: Clarke, H.B, Ní Mhaonaigh, M. og ? Floinn, R. (red.): Ireland and Scandinavia in the Early Viking Age. Four Courts Press. Dublin, p. 3-36.

Mytum, H. 2003: The Vikings and Ireland: Ethnicity, Identity and Cultural Change. In: Barrett, J.H (ed): Contact, Continuity and Collapse. The Norse Colonization of the North Atlantic. Studies in Early Middle Ages, vol. 5. Brepols p. 113-138.

O’Brian Elisabeth 1998: The Location and Context of Viking Burials at Kilmainham and Islandbridge, Dublin. I : Clarke, H.B., Ní Mhaonaigh, M. og ? Floinn, R. (red.): Ireland and Scandinavia in the Early Viking Age. Four Courts Press. Dublin, p. 203-221.

Richards, J.D. 2000: Identifying Anglo-Scandinavian Settlement. In: Hadley, D.M. and Richards, J.D. (eds): Cultures in Contact: Scandinavian Settlement in England in the Ninth and Tenth Centuries. Studies in the Early Middle Ages, vol. 2. Brepols, p. 295-310.

Sheehan, J. 2000: Ireland’s early Viking-Age Silver Hoards. Components, structure and classification. Acta Archaeologica vol. 71, p. 49-63. Copenhagen.

Wallace, Patrick 2008: Irish Archaeology and the Recognition of Ethnic difference in Viking Dublin. In J. Habu, C. Fawcett and J,M. Matsunaga (eds.): Evaluating multiple Narratives: Beyond Nationalists, Colonialist, Imperialist Archaeologies. Springer, p. 166-183.

Wamers, E. 1998:: Insular Finds in Viking Age Scandinavia and the State Formation of Norway. I (red. H.B. Clarke, M Ní Mhaonaigh, R. ? Floinn): Ireland and Scandinavia in the Early Viking Age. Four Courts Press. Dublin, p.37-72.

Vikings in the West: Norse-Insular contact and identities

General readings:

Sawyer, Peter (ed.) 1997: The Oxford Illustrated History of the Vikings. Oxford University Press.Oxford. (Cp. 1-5).

Brink, S and Price, N. 2008 (red.): The Viking World. Routledge. (Ch. 24-32).

Theoretical perspectives:

Gosden, C. 2001: Postcolonial Archaeology. Issues of Culture, Identity and Knowledge. In: Hodder, I. (ed.): Archeological Theory Today. Polity Press. Oxford, p. 241-261.

Jones, S. 1997: The Archaeology of Ethnicity. Constructing identities in the past and present. Routledge.

Stein, Gil 2005: Introduction: The Comparative Arcaeology of Colonial Encounters. I: (red.: G. Stein): The Archaeology of Colonial Encounters. Comparative Perspectives. School of American Research Press/ James Curry. Santa Fe/ Oxford, p. 3-31.

Norse-Insular contact and development of social and cultural identities:

Bakka, Egil 1963: Some English decorated metal objects found in Nowegian Viking graves: contributions to the art history of the eight century A.D. ?rbok for universitetet i Bergen. Humanistisk Serie 1963:1. Norwegian Universities Press. Bergen-Oslo.

Barrett, James H. 2003: Culture Contact in Viking Age Scotland. In: Barrett, J.H (ed.): Contact, Continuity and Collapse. The Norse Colonization of the North Atlantic. Studies in Early Middle Ages, vol. 5. Brepols, p. 73-112.

Bruce-Mitford, Rupert og Raven, Sheila 2005: A corpus of Late Celtic hanging-bowls / Rupert Bruce-Mitford ; with an account of the bowls found in Scandinavia / Sheila Raven Oxford University Press. Oxford. (Chapter on bowls found In Scandinavia by. S. Ravens).

B?e, Johs. 1926: An ornamented Celtic bronze object found in a Norwegian grave. Bergens museums aarbok 1924-25, Historisk-antikvarisk r?kke, 4. Bergen, p. 1-34.

Crawford, Barbara 1987: Scandinavia Scotland. Leicester University Press. Leicester. (Introduction, ch.1-3, 5-6)

Gabor, Thomas 2000: Anglo-Scandinavian Metalwork from the Danelaw: Exploring Social and Cultural Interaction. In: Hadley, D.M. and Richards, J.D. (eds.): Cultures in Contact: Scandinavian Settlement in England in the Ninth and Tenth Centuries. Studies in the Early Middle Ages, vol. 2. Brepols, p. 238-255.

Griffiths, David 2004: Settlement and Acculturation in the Irish Sea Region. I: Hines, J., Lane, A. og Redknap, M. (red.): Land, Sea and Home. Proceedings of a Conference on Viking-period Settlement at Cardiff, July 2001. The Society for Medieval Archaeology Monograph 20. Maney. Leeds, p. 125-138.

Hadley, Dawn M. 2002: Viking and native: re-thinking identity in the Danelaw. Early Medieval Europe 2002 II (1), p. 45-70.

Hallsall, G. 2000: The Viking Presence in England? The Burial Evidence Reconsidered. In: Hadley, D.M. and Richards, J.D. (eds.): Cultures in Contact: Scandinavian Settlement in England in the Ninth and Tenth Centuries. Studies in the Early Middle Ages, vol. 2. Brepols, p. 259-276.

Harrison, Stephen H. 2001: Viking-graves and grave goods in Ireland. In A.-C.- Larsen (ed.): The Vikings in Ireland . Roskilde. p. 61-75.

Larsen, A.C. & Stummann Hansen, S. 2001: Viking Ireland and the Scandinavian Communities in the North Atlantic. In: Larsen, A.C. (ed.): The Vikings in Ireland. The Viking Ship Museum. Roskilde, p.115-126.

Morris, Christopher D. 1998: Raiders, Traders and Settlers. The Early Viking Age in Scotland. I: Clarke, H.B, Ní Mhaonaigh, M. og ? Floinn, R. (red.): Ireland and Scandinavia in the Early Viking Age. Four Courts Press. Dublin, p. 73-103.

Myhre, Bj?rn 1998: The Archeology of the Early Viking Age in Norway. I: Clarke, H.B, Ní Mhaonaigh, M. og ? Floinn, R. (red.): Ireland and Scandinavia in the Early Viking Age. Four Courts Press. Dublin, p. 3-36.

Mytum, H. 2003: The Vikings and Ireland: Ethnicity, Identity and Cultural Change. In: Barrett, J.H (ed): Contact, Continuity and Collapse. The Norse Colonization of the North Atlantic. Studies in Early Middle Ages, vol. 5. Brepols p. 113-138.

O’Brian Elisabeth 1998: The Location and Context of Viking Burials at Kilmainham and Islandbridge, Dublin. I : Clarke, H.B., Ní Mhaonaigh, M. og ? Floinn, R. (red.): Ireland and Scandinavia in the Early Viking Age. Four Courts Press. Dublin, p. 203-221.

Richards, J.D. 2000: Identifying Anglo-Scandinavian Settlement. In: Hadley, D.M. and Richards, J.D. (eds): Cultures in Contact: Scandinavian Settlement in England in the Ninth and Tenth Centuries. Studies in the Early Middle Ages, vol. 2. Brepols, p. 295-310.

Sheehan, J. 2000: Ireland’s early Viking-Age Silver Hoards. Components, structure and classification. Acta Archaeologica vol. 71, p. 49-63. Copenhagen.

Wallace, Patrick 2008: Irish Archaeology and the Recognition of Ethnic difference in Viking Dublin. In J. Habu, C. Fawcett and J,M. Matsunaga (eds.): Evaluating multiple Narratives: Beyond Nationalists, Colonialist, Imperialist Archaeologies. Springer, p. 166-183.

Wamers, E. 1998:: Insular Finds in Viking Age Scandinavia and the State Formation of Norway. I (red. H.B. Clarke, M Ní Mhaonaigh, R. ? Floinn): Ireland and Scandinavia in the Early Viking Age. Four Courts Press. Dublin, p.37-72.

Published Apr. 30, 2010 3:16 PM - Last modified Apr. 30, 2010 3:28 PM