
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
27.08.2010Rolf Theil? Se semestersiden under "Tid og sted"? Cognitive Grammar and Cognitive Linguistics & Cognitive Grammar: An Overview? John R. Taylor: Cognitive Grammar, Oxford University Press 2002, kap. 1 og 2?
31.08.2010Rolf Theil? ? The Symbolic Thesis & The Symbolic Thesis: Some Questions and Answers? Taylor, kap. 3 og 4

Merk dagen!?

10.09.2010Rolf Theil? ? Phonological Structure in Cognitive Grammar & Semantic Structure in Cognitive Grammar? Kap. 5 og 6?
14.09.2010Rolf Theil? ? Schema and Instance & Schema and Instance in Phonology? Kap. 7 og 8

Merk dagen!?

24.09.2010Andreas Sveen? ? Schema and Instance in Symbolic Units & Meaning: Profile, Base, and Domain? Kap. 9 og 10?
01.10.2010Andreas Sveen? ? Nominal and Relational Profiles & Syntagmatic Relations: Combining Semantic Units? Kap. 11 og 12?
08.10.2010Rolf Theil? ? Morphology & Analysability and Productivity? Kap. 14 og 15?
15.10.2010Rolf Theil? ? Schema Competition & Kinds of Symbolic Units? Kap. 16 og 17?
22.10.2010Andreas Sveen? ? Nouns and Nominals & Count nouns and Mass nouns? Kap. 18 og 19?
29.10.2010Andreas Sveen? ? Tense and Aspect & Clause Structure? Kap. 20 og 21?
05.11.2010Andreas Sveen? ? Domains & Networks and Complex Categories? Kap. 22 og 23?
12.11.2010Rolf Theil? ? Metaphor: The Lakovian Approach & Alternatives to Metaphor? Kap. 24 og 26?
19.11.2010Andreas Sveen? ? Idioms, Formulas, and Fixed Expressions? Kap. 27?
26.11.2010Andreas Sveen? ? Constructions? Kap. 28?
Publisert 21. mai 2010 12:12 - Sist endret 25. aug. 2010 11:23