

Chomsky, Noam: Aspects of the Theory of Syntax. MIT Press. Kapittel 1 Methodological preliminaries. Side 3-62.

Labov, William: The study of language in its social context. I William Labov: Sociolinguistic Patterns. Side 183-259. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press 1972. ISBN:0-8122-1052-2

Saussure, Ferdinand de: Course in General Linguistics. Translated and annotated by Roy Harris. London: Duckworth 1983. ISBN: 0-7156-1670-6. (NB: bare Harris' oversettelse av Saussure anbefales.):

- Fr? Introduction: Chapter III The object of study og Chapter IV Linguistics of language structure and linguistics of speech

- Fr? Part One General Principles: Chapter I Nature of the linguistic sign, Chapter II Invariability and variabilty of the sign og Chapter III Static linguistics and evolutionary linguistics

- Fr? Part Two Synchronic Linguistics: Chapter IV Linguistic value og Chapter V Syntagmatic relations and associative relations.

Elektroniske tekster:

Pinker, Steven & Paul Bloom: Natural language and natural selection. Behavioral and Brain Sciences (1990) 13, 707–784.

Lakoff, George: The contemporary theory of metaphor. Kapittel 11 (s. 202–251) i Andrew Ortony (ed.): Metaphor and thought. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1993.


Leonard Bloomfield: Language, 1933. University of Chicago Press. Kapittel 2 The Use of Language og kapittel 9 Meaning.

Langacker, Ronald W. A usage-based model. Kapittel 10 (s. 261–288) i Ronald W. Langacker: Concept, Image, and Symbol. The Cognitive Basis of Grammar. Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter 1991.

Publisert 30. mai 2016 11:50