Kompendier (innholdsfortegnelse):
- Dryer, Matthew. 2007. Clause types. I Timothy Shopen (red.): Language typology and syntactic description. Volume I: Clause structure, 224-275. (2. utgave) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (52s)
- Dryer, Matthew. 2007. Noun phrase structure. I Timothy Shopen (red.): Language typology and syntactic description. Volume II: Complex constructions , 151-205. (2. utgave) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (54s)
- Haspelmath, Martin. 2013. Argument indexing: a conceptual framework for the syntactc status of bound person forms. I Dik Bakker og Martin Haspelmath (red.), Languages across boundaries : Studies in memory of Anna Siewierska, 197-226. Hawthorne, NY: Walter de Gruyter. (30s)
- Lichtenberk, Frantisek. 2009. Attributive possessive constructions in Oceanic. I William McGregor (red.), The expression of possession. Berlin: de Gruyter Mouton. 249-291. (43s)
- Lynch, John. 1998. Pacific languages: an introduction. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, s 75-87. (13s)
- Lynch, John, Malcolm Ross og Terry Crowley. 2002. The Oceanic languages. Kap 3: Typological overview, s 34-53. Richmond: Curzon. (20 s)
- Moyse-Faurie, Claire. 2016. Referential markers in Oceanic nominalized constructions. I Claudine Chamoreau og Zarina Estrada-Fernández (red.), Finiteness and nominalization, s 171-203. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. (33s)
- Pawley, Andrew K. 2008. Where and when was Proto Oceanic spoken? Linguistic and archaeological evidence. I Yury A. Lander og Alexander K. Ogloblin (red.), Language and Text in the Austronesian World: Studies in honour of Ulo Sirk. München: LINCOM Europa, 47-71. (25s)
- Payne, John R. 1985. Negation. I Timothy Shopen (red.), Language typology and syntactic description. Volume I: Clause structure, 197-242. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (45s)
- Timberlake, Alan. 2007. Aspect, tense and mood. I Timothy Shopen (red.), Language typology and syntactic description. Volume III: Grammatical categories and the lexicon, p. 280-333. (2. utgave) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (44s)
Elektronisk tilgjengelig pensum med lenker:
- Boerger, Brenda H., ?shild N?ss, Anders Vaa , Rachel Emerine og Angela Hoover. 2012. ‘Sociological factors in Reefs-Santa Cruz language vitality: a 40 year retrospective’. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 214, 111–152. (42s) https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/ijsl.2012.2012.issue-214/ijsl-2012-0023/ijsl-2012-0023.xml?format=INT
- Dixon, R.M.W. 2003. Demonstratives: a cross-linguistic typology. Studies in Language 27:1, 61-112 (52s) http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/jbp/sl/2003/00000027/00000001/art00003
- Fran?ois, Alexandre. 2003. Of men, hills, and winds: Space directionals in Mwotlap. Oceanic Linguistics 42:2, 407-437. (31s) https://muse.jhu.edu/article/50719
- Fran?ois, Alexandre. 2017. The economy of word classes in Hiw, Vanuatu: Grammatically flexible, lexically rigid. Studies in Language 41:2, 294-357. (64s) http://alex.francois.free.fr/data/AlexFrancois_2017_Economy-word-classes_St-in-Lg.pdf
- N?ss, ?shild. 2015. Voice at the crossroads: the symmetrical voice system of ?iwoo, Reef Islands, Solomon Islands. Oceanic Linguistics 54:1, 270-307. (28s) https://muse.jhu.edu/article/586715
- N?ss, ?shild. 2017. A short dictionary of ?iwoo. Canberra: Asia-Pacific Linguistics. https://openresearch-repository.anu.edu.au/handle/1885/112469 (203s)
- N?ss, ?shild. 2018. Beyond roots and affixes: ?iwoo deverbal nominals and the typology of bound lexical morphemes. Studies in Language 41:4, 914-955. (42s) http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/jbp/sl/2018/00000041/00000004/art00004
- N?ss, ?shild, og Brenda H. Boerger. 2008. Reefs-Santa Cruz as Oceanic: evidence from the verb complex. Oceanic Linguistics 47:1, 185-212. (28s) https://muse.jhu.edu/article/241054
- Ross, Malcolm, og ?shild N?ss. 2007. An Oceanic origin for ?iwoo, the language of the Reef Islands? Oceanic Linguistics 46:2, 456-498. [utvalgte sider, ca 10 s totalt] https://muse.jhu.edu/article/228930
Andre typer pensum:
- N?ss, ?shild. 2006. Stories from the Reef Islands: ?iwoo texts with translations. Oslo: Kon-Tiki-museet. (PDF legges ut p? Canvas) (122s)
- N?ss, ?shild, ms. Standing up to the canoe: competing cognitive biases in the encoding of stative spatial relations in a language with a single spatial preposition. Cognitive Linguistics (utkommer 2018, PDF legges ut p? Canvas).