Heine, Bernd, og Nurse, Derek (editors): African Languages : An Introduction, 2000. Cambridge University Press . ISBN:?0521666295. 406 s. Paperback.
Childs, G. Tucker: An Introduction to African Languages, 2003. Benjamins Publishing Co. ISBN:?1588114228. Bk&CD-Rom edition.
Newman, James L: The peopling of Africa : a geographic interpretation, 1995. New Haven : Yale University Press. ISBN:?0300072805. XIV, 235 s., ill. Paperback.
Greenberg, Joseph H: The languages of Africa, 1963. Indiana University Research Center in Anthropology, Folklore and Linguistics ; 25. The Hague. VI, 171 s. : ill..
Heine, Bernd: A typology of African languages : based on the order of meaningful elements, 1976. K?lner Beitr?ge zur Afrikanistik ; 4. Berlin : D. Reimer. 89 s..
Ladefoged, Peter: A phonetic study of West African languages : an auditory-instrumental survey, 1968. 2nd ed. Cambridge : University Press. XVI, 74 s., pl. : ill..
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