PENSUMLISTE LING2108 h?sten 2018
- Lyle Campbell. 2013. Historical Linguistics: An introduction (3rd edition). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, and Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. 400 sider.
- Regine Eckardt. 2009. Meaning Change in Grammaticalization. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 296 sider.
Elektronisk tilgjengelig artikkel
- Andrew Garrett. 2014. Sound change. I Claire Bowern, Bethwyn Evans (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Historical Linguistics. London: Routledge, s. 227-248
- Ian Roberts. 2007. Diachronic Syntax. Oxford: Oxford University Press, s. 11-64.
- Enger, Hans-Olav. 2011. Gender and contact - a Natural Morphology perspective on Scandinavian examples. I Peter Siemund (ed.): Linguistic Universals and Language
Variation. Berlin: de GruyterMouton, s. 171-204.
Publisert 30. apr. 2018 14:10
- Sist endret 2. mai 2018 10:18
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