
[All readings will be provided electronically.]

  • Julien, Marit. 2007. On the Relation between Morphology and Syntax. In The Oxford Handbook of Linguistic Interfaces, ed. by Ramchand, Gillian, and Charles Reiss. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 209-238.
  • Zeijlstra, Hedde. 2013. Not in the first place. Natural Linguistics & Linguistic Theory 31, 865-900.
  • Zeijlstra, Hedde. 2016. Negation and Negative Dependencies. The Annual Review of Linguistics 2, 233-254.
  • Wiklund, Anna-Lena, Gunnar Hrafn Hrafnbjargarson, Kristine Bentzen, and ?orbj?rg Hróarsdóttir. 2007. Rethinking Scandinavian verb movement. Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics 10, 203-233.
  • Wiklund, Anna-Lena, Kristine Bentzen, Gunnar Hrafn Hrafnbjargarson, and ?orbj?rg Hróarsdóttir. 2009. On the distribution and illocution of V2 in Scandinavian that-clauses. Lingua 119, 1914-1938.
  • Cinque, Guglielmo. 2005. Deriving Greenberg’s Universal 20 and Its Exceptions. Linguistic Inquiry 36, 315-332.
  • Abels, Klaus, and Ad Neeleman. 2012. Linear Asymmetries and the LCA. Syntax 15, 25-74.
  • Hornstein, Norbert. 1999. Movement and Control. Linguistic Inquiry 30, 69-96.
  • Landau, Idan. 2003. Movement Out of Control. Linguistic Inquiry 34, 471-498.
  • Marantz, Alec. 1991. Case and licensing. In Proceedings of the Eighth Eastern States. Conference on Linguistics, ed. by German Westphal, Benjamin Ao, and Hee-Rahk Chae. Columbus: Ohio State University, 234-253.
  • Bobaljik, Jonathan David. 2008. Where’s phi? Agreement as a post-syntactic operation. In Phi Theory: phi-features across interfaces and modules, ed. by Daniel Harbour, David Adger, and Susana Béjar. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 295-328.
  • Legate, Julie. 2008. Morphological and Abstract Case. Linguistic Inquiry 39, 55-101.
  • Rizzi, Luigi, and Guglielmo Cinque. 2016. Functional Categories and Syntactic Theory. The Annual Review of Linguistics 2, 139-163.
Publisert 21. mai 2019 13:55 - Sist endret 21. mai 2019 13:55