
Felles for alle studenter p? Semantikk og pragmatikk 2 (LING2100 & 4118):

  • M. Lynne Murphy: Lexical Meaning. Cambridge University Press 2010. Hele boka.

  • David Dowty: “The Aristotle-Ryle-Kenny-Vendler Verb Classification.” Kort utdrag fra Dowtys bok Word Meaning and Montague Grammar. Kluwer Academic Publishers 1991 (opprinnelig Reidel 1979), sidene 51–65.

  • John Saeed: Kap. 9 “Meaning components” & kap. 10 “Formal semantics' i l?reboka Semantics. Wiley-Blackwell 2009/2015 (3. eller 4. utgave), sidene 259–354.

  • Yan Huang: Kap. 6 “Pragmatics and cognition: relevance theory” & kap. 7 “Pragmatics and semantics” i l?reboka Pragmatics. Oxford University Press 2007/2014 (1. eller 2. utgave), sidene 181–244.

S?rlig for BA-studenter (LING2100):

  • John L. Austin: How to do things with words. Harvard University Press 1975 (2. utgave). Hele boka.

Bare for MA-studenter (LING4118):

  • Jay David Atlas: “Presupposition.” Lawrence Horn & Gregory Ward (eds.): The Handbook of Pragmatics, Blackwell Publishing 2004/2006, pp. 442–462.
  • Kent Bach: “Context ex Machina.” Zoltán Gendler Szabó (ed.): Semantics versus Pragmatics, Oxford University Press 2005, pp. 15–44.
  • Anna Brozek: “Performatives and Imperatives.” European Journal of Analytic Philosophy, vol. 7, no. 2, 2011, pp. 17–34.
  • Lennart ?quist: “Some remarks on performatives in the law.” Artificial Intelligence and Law 11, 2003, pp. 105–124.




Publisert 9. jan. 2017 15:25 - Sist endret 19. apr. 2017 13:07