Felles pensum LING2100/4118
Knud Lambrecht, 1994: Information structure and sentence form: topic, focus and the mental representations of discourse referents. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
M. Lynne Murphy, 2010: Lexical meaning. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Bare BA-studenter (LING2100):
Kent Bach, 2005: “Context ex Machina”.I Zoltán Gendler Szabó (red.),Semantics versus Pragmatics, pp. 15–44. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Versjon p? nettet: http://userwww.sfsu.edu/~kbach/context.pdf <http://userwww.sfsu.edu/~kbach/context.pdf>
John I. Saeed, 2009: Semantics. Kapittel 11: Cognitive Semantics, pp. 355-399. Wiley-Blackwell.
Bare MA-studenter (LING4118):
Jürgen Bohnemeyer, N.J. Enfield, James Essegbey og Sotaro Kita, 2010: "The macro-event property: The segmentation of causal chains". I Bohnemeyer og Pederson (red.), Event representation in language and cognition, pp. 43-67. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Tilgjengelig online: http://pubman.mpdl.mpg.de/pubman/item/escidoc:532077:16/component/escidoc:767578/Bohnemeyer%20Enfield%20Essegbey%20Kita-2011-Macro-event%20property.pdf
Andrew Pawley, 1993: "A language which defies description by ordinary means". I W. Foley (red.), The Role of Theory in Language Description, pp. 87–129. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.