About exams in this course

Notification! Some courses may have several exam forms: You can look this up in the Course Presentation web-page under Exam forms. If the course does have a written school exam, you will find informations on when and where by clicking the link Tid og Sted next to this document on the Course Semester web-page.

A student who does not sit for an exam, and does not formally withdraw/change his exam registration before the withdrawal deadline, will be considered to have failed, and one of the three exam attempts will be lost. It is the students responsibility to withdraw his candidacy, also when he cannot sit for the exam due to lack of approval of obligatory assignments. Information on withdrawal deadlines etc. is available at: Eksamensinfo for HF


Exam in this course is in the form of a take-home paper written in one week. The exam text will be given November 15th, and the paper should be handed in on November 29th. See Guidelines below.

Obligatory assignments

In order to qualify for exam sitting, the student must submit two obligatory assignments, one oral and one written, to be approved by the course teacher. The topic of the written assignment will be made available in week 38. Submission deadline is October 11th, to the ILF Front office during opening hours (12.30-15.00). See Guidelines below.

Presentations of oral assignments on given topis will take place continously during the term, though the majority will be towards the end (week 42-46). Formal requirements for the presentations will be announced by the course teacher.

Guidelines for submission of obligatory assignments

1. Two copies of the paper are required, unless otherwise stated in the assignment text. Use A4-sheets of paper with 1 ? line spacing and 12-point font size.

2. Attach the sheets of each copy with a single staple or paperclip.

3. The copies should not contain any other objects such as covers, post-it notes, glue, tape, rubber bands etc.

4. Put your name on the copies.

5. The assignment paper is delivered to the ILF Front office (HW 509) at latest during opening hours of the deadline date.

Guidelines for submission of take-home exam (hjemmeoppgave)

1. Do not put your name on any of the papers submitted, use your assigned candidate number. You will receive the candidate number when handing in the exam paper, or you can look it up on the StudentWeb after the withdrawal deadline.

2. Hand in takes place at the ILF Front office (Ekspedisjonskontoret, HW 501), at the latest during opening hours on the given deadline date. Bring your student identification card with valid registration fee payment receipt. You will be required to sign the candidate list for the course.

3. Use A4-sheets of paper with 1 ? line spacing and 12-point font size, and either 1-sided or 2-sided printing throughout the paper, appendices included, unless otherwise specified.

4. You are required to submit 3 identical copies of the paper, unless otherwise specified.

5. Attach the sheets of each copy with a single staple or paperclip.

6. The copies should not contain any other objects such as covers, post-it notes, glue, tape, rubber bands etc.

7. Any highlighting of the text should be done with a black or blue pen. The use of felt pen is not acceptable.

8. Enclose the take-home exam text and any original texts given, with each copy of your submitted paper.

9. You must submit a signed copy of a form in which you declare that you have not cheated on the take-home exam. The declaration form is available here?

Publisert 7. mars 2005 17:36