
Publisert 18. jan. 2021 12:18

Zoom ID for today's meeting: 690 9247 6459

Please e-mail me at for the password.

The meeting is open.

Publisert 11. jan. 2021 22:14

All participants at IRSK 2400/4400 2021 are strongly encouraged to procure the following books in addition to those found in the reading list:

- Strachan, John. Old-Irish Paradigms and Selections from the Old-Irish Glosses, Dublin: Royal Irish Academy 1984 (fourth edition)

- Thurneysen, Rudolf. A Grammar of Old Irish, Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 1945 (trans. Bergin & Binchy)

These two publications, and especially Thurneysen, are indispensable for the study of Early Irish texts.

The first seminar will be devoted to introducing the major tools for the philological study of Irish texts, some of which should already be familiar to you from the compulsory IRSK1200.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any doubts about the curriculum or about the course in general.

Nicolai Egjar Engesland