

Kathleen Hughes: Early Christian Ireland: Introduction to the Sources, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008. (Originalt gitt ut i 1972) (Paperback ISBN: 978-0-521-07389-9)

Tilgjengelig digitalt eller i Canvas:


  • 700-tall:

Blathmac  fra Carney, James. [ed.], The poems of Blathmac, son of Cú Brettan: together with the Irish Gospel    of Thomas and a poem on the Virgin Mary, Irish Texts Society 47, London: Irish Texts Society, 1964. (s.2-3)

  • 900-tall:

Fianna bátar i nEmain – ‘Heroes who were in Emain’  fra [ed.] [tr.] Stokes, Whitley., “On the deaths of some Irish heroes”, Revue Celtique 23 (1902): 303–348, 438 (add. and corr.). Corrigenda: Revue Celtique27 (1906): 202.


Senchas Már: From the Pseudo-Historical prologue fra Carey, John., An Edition of the Pseudo-Historical Prologue to the Senchas Már, ?riu 45 (1994), pp. 11-19


Vita tripartita sancti Patricii - Bethu Phátraic; (The Tripartite Life of St. Patrick) (episoden om Pádraigs omvendelse av d?trene til Loégaire) [ed.] [tr.] Stokes, Whitley [ed. and tr.], The tripartite Life of Patrick: with other documents relating to that saint, 2 vols, Rerum Britannicarum Medii Aevi Scriptores 89, London: Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1887. (s.98-103)

Immacaldam Choluim Chille ocus ind ?claig oc Carraic Eolairg (‘Samtalen mellom Colum Cille og den unge mannen ved Carraic Eolairg’) Carey, John, “The Lough Foyle colloquy texts: Immacaldam Choluim Chille ocus ind óclaig oc Carraic Eolairg and Immacaldam in druad Brain ocus inna ba?fátho Febuil ós Loch Fhebuil”, ?riu 52 (2002): 53–75.

Lebor Gabála ?renn (‘The book of invasion of Ireland’) [ed.] [tr.] Stokes, Whitley, The martyrology of Oengus the Culdee, Henry Bradshaw Society 29, London: Harrison, 1905. (3-5,17-19, og 33)

Historiske tekster: 

Macalister, R.A. Stewart, (ed.), "Lebor Gabála ?renn - The Book of the Taking of Ireland", Irish Texts Society, Educational Company of Ireland; Macalister, R.A. Stewart, ed. (1938), Part I, (s.16-23)


  • 'Ulstersyklus':

Táin bó Cuailnge (‘The cattle-raid of Cuailnge’) – (episode om hvordan Sétanta fikk navnet Cú Chulainn) (Irsk p.24-25, oversettelse p.161-163)



  • 'Historisk syklus/konge-syklus':

Aided Diarmata meic Cerbaill meic Feregusa cerrbeoil in so amail ispert leabar Sligig.(‘Drapet p? Diarmait s?nn av Cerball’) [ed.] O'Grady, Standish Hayes, Silva Gadelica (I–XXXI): a collection of tales in Irish, vol. 1: Irish text, London: Williams & Norgate, 1892. (s. 72-73 og 80-82)

This is the Death of Dermot son of Fergus Cerrbeoil as the Book of Sligo tells it[tr.] O'Grady, Standish Hayes, Silva Gadelica (I–XXXI): a collection of tales in Irish, vol. 2: translation and notes, London: Williams & Norgate, 1892. (s. 76-88)

  • 'Mytologisk syklus':

Scél Tuáin meic Chairill ("The Story of Tuán son of Cairell") Carey, John (1984), "Scél Tuáin meic Chairill" [The Story of Tuán son of Cairell] (PDF), ?riu, 35. (s.93-110 + forside)

  • 'Fionn-syklusen':

Finn and the man in the tree’. (jfr. Senchas Már) [ed.] [tr.] Meyer, Kuno [ed. and tr.], “Finn and the man in the tree”, Revue Celtique 25 (1904): 344–349

‘A rethoric in Finn and the Man in the Three’ ([tr.] Hull, Vernam, “A rhetoric in Finn and the Man in the Tree”, Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 30 (1967): 17–20)


Publisert 21. mai 2019 14:02 - Sist endret 19. mai 2020 14:41