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Utvalgte kapitler ca. 200 s. - utvalget m? godkjennes av fagl?rer:
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Chadwick, N.: The Druids, 1966. new ed. by Anne Gross, Cardiff, University of Wales Press, 1997.
Ross, A.: The pagan Celts, 1986. London. Updated, expanded and illustrated.
Raftery, B.: Pagan Celtic Ireland: the enigma of the Irish Iron Age, 1994. Thames and Hudson, London.
Sjoestedt, M.-L.: Gods and heores of the Celts, 1994. Four Courts Press.
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Schmidt, K.H. Insular Celtic P- and Q-Celtic. The Celtic Languages ed. By M. Ball, Routledge, London&N.Y. 199
Charles-Edwards, T. Language and Society among the Insular Celts AD 400-1000. The Celtic World. Utg. M. Green. London 199
Utvalgte kapitler, ca. 400 s. - utvalget m? godkjennes av fagl?rer
Dillon, M & Chadwick, N. The Celtic Realms 1967. Weidenfeld & Nicholson; 2000 Phoenix Press paperback
Thomas, C.: Britain and Ireland in early Christian times: AD 400-800, 1971. Library of medieval civilization, London.
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Davies, W.: Wales in the early Middle Ages, Leicester University Press.
Foster, R. F.: Oxford Illustrated history of Ireland, 1989. Oxford University Press. Paperback 1991.
Charles-Edwards, T.: Early Christian Ireland, 2000. Cambridge University Press.
? Cróinín, D.: Early Medieval Ireland 400-1200, 1995. Longman, London & N.Y.