Reading list

Conway, A. R. A., Jarrold, C., Kane, M. J., Miyake, A., & Towse, J.N. (Eds.) (2007). Variation in working memory. New York: Oxford University Press, 344 pages

Electronic journal articles

Alladi, S., Bak, T. H., Duggirala, V., Surampudi, B., Shailaja, M., Shukla, A. K., Chaudhuri,  J. R. & Kaul, S. (2013). Bilingualism delays age at onset of dementia, independent of education and immigration status. Neurology, 81(22), 1938–1944. 7 pages

Alladi, S., Bak, T. H., Mekala, S., Rajan, A., Chaudhuri, J. R., Mioshi, E., Krovvidi, R., Surampudi, B., Duggirala, V.,  & Kaul, S. (2016). Impact of bilingualism on cognitive outcome after stroke. Stroke, 47(1), 258–261. 4 pages

Bak, T. H. (2016). Cooking pasta in La Paz. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism6(5), 699–717. 18 pages

Bak, T. H. (2016). The impact of bilingualism on cognitive ageing and dementia: Finding a path through a forest of confounding variables. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism, 6(1), 205–226. 21 pages

Bak, T. H., & Alladi, S. (2015). Bilingualism, dementia, and the tale of many variables: Why we need to move beyond the Western World. Commentary on Lawton et al. (2015) and Fuller-Thomson (2015). 3 pages

Bak, T. H., Long, M. R., Vega-Mendoza, M., & Sorace, A. (2016). Novelty, Challenge, and Practice: The Impact of Intensive Language Learning on Attentional Functions. PLoS ONE, 11(4): e0153485. 11 pages

Bak, T. H., Vega-Mendoza, M., & Sorace, A. (2014). Never too late? An advantage on tests of auditory attention extends to late bilinguals. Frontiers in Psychology, 5. 6 pages

Bialystok, E. (2011). Coordination of executive functions in monolingual and bilingual childrenJournal of Experimental Child Psychology, 110(3), 461–468. 8 pages

Bialystok, E., & Craik, F. I. M. (2010). Cognitive and linguistic processing in the bilingual mind. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 19(1), 19–23. 4 pages

Bialystok, E., Poarch, G., Luo, L., & Craik, F. I. (2014). Effects of bilingualism and aging on executive function and working memory. Psychology and Aging, 29(3), 696–705,  10 pages

Calvo, A., & Bialystok, E. (2014). Independent effects of bilingualism and socioeconomic status on language ability and executive functioningCognition, 130(3), 278–288.
11 pages

Chertkow, H., Whitehead, V., Phillips, N., Wolfson, C., Atherton, J., & Bergman, H. (2010). Multilingualism (but not always bilingualism) delays the onset of Alzheimer disease: Evidence from a bilingual community. Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders, 24(2), 118–125. 8 pages

Cox, S. R., Bak, T. H., Allerhand, M., Redmond, P., Starr, J. R., Deary, I. J., & MacPherson, S. E. (2016). Bilingualism, social cognition and executive functions: A tale of chickens and eggs. Neuropsychologia, 91, 299–306. 8 pages

Craik, F. I. M., Bialystok, E., & Freedman, M. (2010). Delaying the onset of Alzheimer disease: Bilingualism as a form of cognitive reserve. Neurology, 75(19), 1726–1729
4 pages

Du?abeitia, J.A., & Carreiras, M. (2015). The bilingual advantage: Acta est fabula? Cortex, 73, 371–372. 2 pages

Freedman, M., Alladi, S, Chertkow, H., Bialystok, E., Craik, F. I. M., Phillips, N. A., Duggirala, V., Raju, S. B., & Bak, T. H. (2014). Delaying onset of dementia: Are two languages enough? Behavioural Neurology, 2014. 8 pages

Fuller-Thomson, E. (2015). Emerging evidence contradicts the hypothesis that bilingualism delays dementia onset. A Commentary on "age of dementia diagnosis in community dwelling bilingual and monolingual Hispanic Americans" by Lawton et al., 2015. Cortex, 66, 170–172. 3 pages

Fuller-Thomson, E., & Kuh, D. (2014). The healthy migrant effect may confound the link between bilingualism and delayed onset of Alzheimer's disease. Cortex, 52, 128–130.     3 pages

Kavé, G., Eyal, N., Shorek, A., & Cohen-Mansfield, J. (2008). Multilingualism and cognitive state in the oldest old. Psychology and Aging, 23(1), 70–78. 9 pages

Lawton, D. M., Gasquoine, P. G., & Weimer, A. A. (2015). Age of dementia diagnosis in community dwelling bilingual and monolingual Hispanic Americans. Cortex, 66, 141–145. 5 pages

Miyake, A., Friedman, N. P., Emerson, M. J., Witzki, A. H., Howerter, A., & Wager, T. D. (2000). The unity and diversity of executive functions and their contributions to complex ‘‘frontal lobe’’ tasks: A latent variable analysis. Cognitive Psychology, 41, 49–100. 52 pages

Morales, J., Calvo, A., & Bialystok, E. (2013). Working memory development in monolingual and bilingual children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 114(2), 187 – 202. 15 pages

Paap, K. R., & Greenberg, Z. I. (2013). There is no coherent evidence for a bilingual advantage in executive processing. Cognitive Psychology, 66(2), 232–258.26 pages

Paap, K. R., Myuz, H. A., Anders, R. T., Bockelman, M. F., Mikulinsky, R., & Sawi, O. M. (2016): No compelling evidence for a bilingual advantage in switching or that frequent language switching reduces switch cost. Journal of Cognitive Psychology. 24 pages

Poarch, G. J., & Bialystok, E. (2015). Bilingualism as a model for multitasking. Developmental Review, 35, 113–124. 11 pages

Tao, L., Marzecovà, A., Taft, M., Asanowicz, D., & Wodniecka, Z. (2011). The efficiency of attentional networks in early and late bilinguals: The role of age of acquisition. Frontiers in Psychology, 2. 19 pages

Valian, V. (2015). Bilingualism and cognition. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 18(1), 3–24. 22 pages

TOTAL: 666 pages


Published Nov. 28, 2016 2:40 PM - Last modified Nov. 28, 2016 4:43 PM