Reading list
Books (511 pages)
- Lee, C. 2017. Multilingualism online. London, Routledge. Chapters 1 and 2. 60 p.
- Sebba, M., S. Mahootian and C. Jonsson (ed). 2012. Language Mixing and Code-Switching in Writing. Approaches to Mixed-Language Written Discourse. Routledge. Chapters 1, 2, 8, 9, 11, 13. 127 p.
- Sebba, M. 2007. Spelling and Society. Cambridge University Press. Chapters 1-4. 100 p.
- Deumert, A. 2014. Sociolinguistics of Mobile Communication. Edinburgh Sociolinguistics. Chapters 1-4 and 6. 100 p.
- Lillis, T. 2013. Sociolinguistics of Writing. Edinburgh Sociolinguistics. Chapters 1-4 and 6. 124 p.
Articles available online
- Androutsopoulos, J. & A. St?hr. 2018. Moving methods online: Researching digital language practices. In Creese, A. & A. Blackledge (eds.) The Routledge handbook of language and superdiversity. London: Routledge. 20 p.
- Costa, J., De Korne, H., & Lane, P. (2017). Standardising Minority Languages: Reinventing Peripheral Languages in the 21st Century. In P. Lane, J. Costa, & H. De Korne (Eds.), Standardizing Minority Languages: Competing Ideologies of Authority and Authenticity in the Global Periphery (pp. 1–23). London & New York: Routledge.
- De Korne, H. (2017). “That’s too much to learn”: Writing, longevity, and urgency in the Isthmus Zapotec speech community. In P. Lane, J. Costa, & H. De Korne (Eds.), Standardizing Minority Languages: Competing Ideologies of Authority and Authenticity in the Global Periphery (pp. 222–241). London, UK: Routledge.
- Deumert, A. & K. V. Lexander. 2013. Texting Africa: Writing as performance. Journal of Sociolinguistics 17(4): 522–546.
- Dewilde, J. 2017. Translation and translingual remixing: A young person developing as a writer. International Journal of Bilingualism. 20 p.
- Hornberger, N. H. (2006). Voice and Biliteracy in Indigenous Language Revitalization : Contentious Educational Practices in Quechua, Guarani, and Maori Contexts. Journal of Language, Identity & Education, 5(4), 277–292. 15 p.
- Jaworski, A. 2014. Metrolingual art: Multilingualism and heteroglossia. International Journal of Bilingualism 18/2: 134–158. 24 p.
- Lillis, T. & C. McKinney 2013. The sociolinguistics of writing in a global context: Objects, lenses, consequences. Journal of Sociolinguistics 17(4): 415–439. 24 p.
- Sebba, M. 2015. Iconisation, attribution and branding in orthography, Written Language and Literacy 18 (2): 208-227. 19 p.
Other articles
- Blackwood, R. 2017. (ed.). Methodology in Linguistic Landscape Research. Special Issue of Linguistic Landscape 3:3.? 4 p.
- Cenoz, Jasone and Durk Gorter. 2011. A Holistic Approach to Multilingual Education: Introduction, The Modern Language Journal 95, 339–343. 4 p.
- McCambridge, L. & Pitk?nen-Huhta, A. 2012. Discourses of Literacy on an International Master’s Programme: Examining Students’ Academic Writing Norms. In A. Pitk?nen-Huhta & L. Holm (eds.) Literacy practices in transition: Perspective from the Nordic countries. Bristol: Multilingual Matters, 165–186. 21 p.
- Pitk?nen-Huhta, A. & A. Rothoni (2018) Visual accounts of Finnish and Greek teenagers’ perceptions of their multilingual language and literacy practices, Applied Linguistics Review, 9 (2-3). doi:10.1515/applirev-2016-1065 20 p.
- Gon?alves, K. 2018a. OY or YO: say what? Creative place-making through metrolingual artifacts in the semiotic landscaping of Dumbo, Brooklyn. In M. Moriarty and J. J?rlehed (Eds.), Special Issue: Creativity and play in the multilingual semiotic landscape. International Journal of Multilingualism. 20 p.
- Gon?alves, K. 2018b. Semiotic Paradox of Street Art. In Peck, Williams & Stroud (eds.). 20 p.
- J?rlehed, J. and A. Jaworski. 2015. Typographic landscaping: creativity, ideology, movement, Social Semiotics 25 (2), 117-125. 8 p.
- Jones, Kathryn, M. Martin-Jones and A. Bhatt. 2001. Constructing a critical, dialogic approach to research on multilingual literacy: participant diaries and diary interviews. In: Martin-Jones and Jones (eds.): Multilingual literacies. Reading and writing different worlds. 319-351. John Benjamins. 30 p.
- Purschke, C. 2017. (T)Apping the linguistic landscape: Methodological challenges and the scientific potential of a citizen-science approach to the study of social semiotics, Linguistic Landscape 246 – 266. 20 p.
- Seals, C. A. 2017. Analyzing the linguistic landscape of mass-scale events, Linguistic Landscape 267 – 285. 18 p.
- Trinch, S. & Snajder, E. 2017. What the signs say: Gentrification and the disappearance of capitalism without distinction in Brooklyn, Journal of Sociolinguistics 21 (1): pp. 64-89. 25 p.
Published Apr. 30, 2018 5:33 PM
- Last modified Aug. 15, 2018 1:54 PM
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