
Reading list, MultiLing's winter school on Issues in second language learning (with)in marginalized populations: Research methods, language policy, teacher education, ideologies

Bigelow, M. (2020). The case of a Somali teenage girl with limited formal schooling: Seeing assets and poking holes in deficit discourse. In A. Cooper & A. Ibrahim (Eds.). Black voices matter: Black immigrants in the United States and the politics of race, language, and multiculturalism, New York: Peter Lang, International Academic Publishers.


Bigelow, M. (2010). Mogadishu on the Mississippi: Language, Racialized identity, and Education  in a New Land. New York: Wiley-Blackwell. [Read chapters 1 and 5]


Bigelow, M., delMas, R., Hansen, K., & Tarone, E. (2006). Literacy and the processing of oral recasts in SLA. TESOL Quarterly, 40(4), 665-689. (Winner of the 2007 TESOL Award for Distinguished Research.)


Bigelow, M. & King, K. (2014). Somali immigrant youths and the power of print literacy. Writing Systems Research, 6(2), 1-16.


Bigelow, M., & Tarone, E. (2004). The role of native language literacy in second language acquisition: Doesn't who we study determine what we know? TESOL Quarterly, 39 (1), 689-700.


???????Bigelow, M., Vanek, J., King, K., & Abdi, N. (2017). Literacy as social (media) practice: Refugee youth and home language literacy at school. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, Special issue: Cultural and Academic Adjustment of Refugee Youth in Educational Settings, 60, 183-197.


Golden, Anne 2010. Grasping the point: A study of 15 year old students’ comprehension of metaphorical expressions in schoolbooks. In Deignan, Alice, Lynne Cameron, Graham Low & Zazie Todd (eds) Researching and Applying Metaphor in the Real World. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.


Golden, A; Kulbrandstad, L.A. & Tenfjord, K: Evaluation of Texts in Tests, or: Where is the dog buried? In: Golden, Jarvis and Tenfjord (eds) 2017: Crosslinguistic Influence and Distinctive Patterns of Language Learning: Findings and Insights from a learner corpus. Multilingual Matters.


J?lbo, Ingri 2019: Adjustment and Autonomy in Novice Second Language Writing. In Bagga Gupta, Golden, Holm, Laursen, Pitk?nen-Huhta: Reconceptualization Connections between Language, Learning and Literacy. Springer


King, K. & Bigelow, M. (2019). The politics of language education policy development and implementation: Minnesota (not so) nice? In T. Ricento (ed.) Language politics and policies: Perspectives from Canada and the United States (pp. xxx-xxx). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


King, K. & Bigelow, M. (2016). The language policy of placement tests for newcomer English learners. Educational Policy, 1-33.


King, K., Bigelow, M., & Hirsi, A. (2017). New to school and new to print: Everyday peer interaction among adolescent high school newcomers. International Multilingual Research Journal: Special Issue entitled Exploring Peer Interaction among Multilingual Youth: New Possibilities and Challenges for Language and Literacy Learning


Lexander, Kristin Vold and Jannis Androutsopoulos (2019) “Working with mediagrams: a methodology for collaborative research on mediational repertoires in multilingual families”, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development


Magnusson, Ulrika 2013. Grammatical metaphor in Swedish monolingual and multilingual upper secondary school students' writing.  Functions of Language, Volume 20, Issue 2p. 250 – 281.


Myhill, D.A., Jones, S. M., Lines, H. & Watson, A. 2012. Re-thinking grammar: the impact of embedded grammar teaching on students’ writing and students’ metalinguistic understanding. Research Papers in Education, 27 (2), 139-166


Tonne & Pihl 2013. The second-language pupil, reading tests and literature-based teaching1 (English translation of an article originally published in Norwegian in 2013).


Vanek, J., King, K., & Bigelow, M. (2018). Social presence and identity: Facebook in an English language classroom. Journal of Language, Identity & Education.


Warriner, D., & Bigelow, M. (Eds.) (2019). Critical reflections on research methods: Power and equity in complex multilingual contexts. Bristol, Blue Ridge Summit: Multilingual Matters. [Choose two of the chapters to discuss, one for the Tuesday morning session and another for the afternoon session]

Published Jan. 31, 2020 9:50 AM - Last modified Feb. 18, 2020 11:51 AM