
An overview of CA-SLA research

  • Kasper, G.  & Wagner, J. (2011): A conversation-analytic approach to second language acquisition. In D. Atkinson (Ed.), Alternative approaches to second language acquisition (pp. 114-142). London/New York: Routledge.

A recent overview of CA-SLA research on the development of interactional competence

  • Skogmyr Marian, K., & Balaman, U. (2018). Second language interactional competence and its development: An overview of conversation analytic research on interactional change over time. Language and Linguistics Compass, 12(8), 1-16.

Two classic programmatic statements

  • Firth, A. & Wagner, J. (1997). On discourse, communication and some fundamental concepts in SLA research. The Modern Language Journal 81, 285–300.
  • Kasper, G. (2009). Locating cognition in second language interaction and learning : Inside the skull or in public view? International Review of Applied Linguistics, 47, 11-36.

The first longitudinal CA studies on L2 interactional development

  • Brouwer, C. E., & Wagner, J. (2004). Developmental issues in second language conversation. Journal of Applied Linguistics, 1(1), 29-47.
  • Hellerman, J. (2007) The development of practices for action in classroom dyadic interaction: Focus on task openings. Modern Language Journal 91(1), 83 - 96

Articles by Pekarek Doehler, Eskildsen and Svennevig

  • Pekarek Doehler, S., & Berger, E. (2018). L2 interactional competence as increased ability for context-sensitive conduct: A longitudinal study of story-openings. Applied Linguistics, 39 (4), 555-578.
  • Pekarek Doehler, S. (2018). Elaborations on L2 interactional competence: the development of L2 grammar-for-interaction. Classroom Discourse, 9(1), 3-24.
  • Pekarek Doehler, Simona & Evelyne Berger (2019). On the reflexive relation between developing L2 interactional competence and evolving social relationships: A longitudinal study of word-searches in the ‘wild’. In J. Hellermann, S. Eskildsen, S. Pekarek Doehler, A. Piirainen-Marsch (eds.), Conversation Analytic Research on Learning-in-Action: The Complex Ecology of L2 Interaction in the Wild. Berlin: Springer, 51-75.
  • Eskildsen, S. W. (2011). The L2 Inventory in Action: Conversation analysis and usage-based linguistics in SLA. In G. Pallotti & J. Wagner (eds.), L2 learning as social practice: Conversation-analytic perspectives (pp. 337-373). Honolulu, HI: University of Hawai‘i, National Foreign Language Resource Center.
  • Eskildsen, S. W. (2019). Learning behaviors in the wild: How people achieve L2 learning outside of class. In Hellermann, J., Eskildsen, S. W., Pekarek Doehler, S., & Piirainen-Marsh, A. (eds), Conversation Analytic Research on Learning-in-Action: The Complex Ecology of Second Language Interaction ‘in the wild’ (pp. 105-129) Dordrecht: Springer.
  • Eskildsen, S. W. & Wagner, J. (2015). Embodied L2 construction learning. Language Learning 65(2), 419-448.
  • Svennevig, Jan, Jennifer Gerwing, B?rd Uri Jensen, Meredith Allison (2019). Pre-empting understanding problems in L1/L2 conversations: Evidence of effectiveness from simulated emergency calls. Applied Linguistics 40(2), 205-227.
  • Svennevig, Jan (2018). Decomposing Turns to Enhance Understanding by L2 Speakers, Research on Language and Social Interaction, 51:4, 398-416.
Published June 22, 2020 3:50 PM - Last modified June 22, 2020 3:50 PM