How to apply in S?knadsweb, both for Multiling Summer School and Winter School

1) Go to S?knadsweb 

2) Choose University of Oslo as institution if it does not pop up by itself. Press Continue.

3) Press "Log in or register using Feide" if you have been here before and have a username and password. If not, press "International Applicant"

4) Log on if you have username and password to UiO, if not, press "Register new international applicant"

5) Press "NEXT" if you do not have username and password

6) Answer the question and proceed

7) Answer the question and proceed

8) Answer the question and proceed

9) Read the message and proceed

10) Fill in the requested information and proceed

11) Check your email for username and password to S?knadsweb, then log on using email address and username

12) Fill in the requested information and proceed

13) Choose "Organized research training: PhD"

14) Choose "PhD courses in humanities" (if it says Autumn 2019, overlook that)

15) Choose application alternative (it is only one) "Department of Linguistics and Scandinavian Studies"

16) Upload the requested documents (a brief description of your PhD project and an academic reference from your main supervisor), then proceed

17) Read the information, press "Done", then you will see that your application is "Under consideration" - we will get back to you as soon as we can.


Publisert 21. apr. 2023 16:40 - Sist endret 21. apr. 2023 16:40