Det obligatoriske sommerkurset

Vedr. det obligatoriske sommerkurset har vi f?tt f?lgende mail fra Bogazi?i-universitetet: 
Dear Sir/Madam,
You can find the announcement poster for the Turkish Language and Culture Program 2017 attached. The intensive summer program is organized by the Language Center at Bo?azi?i University, Istanbul, Turkey. This year the program will take place between June 15 and August 3, 2017. Please feel free to share this information with your students who may be interested.
In effect since 1982, the annual international summer program in Turkish Language and Culture is an accredited program which offers courses at three basic levels of language instruction taught by university staff specialized in teaching Turkish as a foreign language. The program provides intensive instruction in Turkish to adult learners while offering them an opportunity to have first-hand experience with the Turkish culture.
Courses are offered at lower and upper intermediate and advanced levels. Class size is limited to approximately 10 students. Classes are held on weekdays 9am - 1pm. Students meet with their teaching assistants at least for one hour in the afternoons for free conversation. Weekly Turkish / English lectures are given by scholars specialized in their fields on various aspects of the Turkish culture ranging from economics, history, literature, fine arts, architecture and others. Weekly Turkish film sessions are scheduled for Monday afternoons.
12 transferable credits are given upon successful completion of the course. A final grade will be issued only to those who fulfill the requirements of the course which include full attendance and participation in all examinations.
Please visit our website for further information and for details on application procedure. You can always contact us through this e-mail address ( for questions.
Kind regards,
Begüm Avar
Turkish Language and Culture Program
The Language Center
Bo?azi?i University
Publisert 10. des. 2016 20:12