

I de kommende dagene f?r IKOS bes?k av en kjent turkolog, Abdurishid Yakup,  som tilh?rer den tyrkisktalende uighurske minoriteten i Kina. Han skal holde to offentlige forelesninger.


Den f?rste blir arrangert av Buddhistisk forum. og blir holdt tirsdag 20. september kl. 16.15–18 i seminarrom 124 i Harriet Holters hus. Forelesningen har tittelen ”Printng Culture of Ancient Central Asia”, og vil spesielt dreie seg om uighurenes innsats for ? utbre buddhismen i Sentralasia i middelalderen.


Den andre er kanskje av st?rre interesse for Tyrkia- og tyrkiskinteresserte, og vil inng? i serien av Senter for Midt?stens fredagsforelesninger fredag 23. september kl. 12.15–14 i Eilert Hunds hus,  aud. 6. Foredraget har tittelen  ”Uighur Tradition of History Writing,” og resymeet lyder som f?lger:


In this lecture, Professor Yakup shall first place the Uighurs on the linguistic and historical map. Further, he will go through the rich documentation of their history written by the Uighurs themselves. This includes their own description of the introduction of Manichaeism as state religion, political and commercial relation to neighbouring nationalities, conflict between different religions, etc. The analysis will mainly be based on the rich manuscripts kept in the German Turfan collection in Berlin as well new findings in China, which demonstrate the cultural richness of Xinjiang through the ages.?


Et par opplysninger om foredragsholderen: Prof. Abdurishid Yakup received his PhD in Central University for Nationalities in Beijing in 1996 and Doctor of Literature from Kyoto University in 2000. Currently he is Research Fellow of Berlin Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Germany. Since 2009 he is Changjiang Scholar Distinguished Professor of Ministry of Education of China and since 2013 is Dean of School of Languages and Literature of Chinese Ethnic Minorities, Minzu University of China, Beijing.

Publisert 18. sep. 2016 19:58