
B?ker (m? kj?pes)

Cross, Jamie 2014: Dream Zones: Anticipating Capitalism and Development in India. New York: Pluto Press.

Brosius, Christiane 2010: India’s Middle Class: New Forms of Urban Leisure, Consumption and Prosperity. London: Routledge. (s. 143 - 257)

Resten av pensum vil bli gjort tilgjengelig ved semesterstart.


1. Klasse I: fra produksjon til konsum

Jonathan P. Parry 1999: ?Lords of Labour: Working and shirking in Bilhai?, Contributions to Indian Sociology 33 (1-2): 107-140

Osella, Filippo and Caroline Osella 2000: “Migration, money and masculinity in Kerala”, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, n.s.  6 (1): 117-133

Harold Wilhite 2014: “Changing consumption and the negotiation of gender roles in Kerala”, i Kenneth Bo Nielsen og Anne Waldrop (red.): Women, Gender and Everyday Social Transformation in India. London: Anthem Press, s. 63-73.


2. Klasse II: “gating” og performance

Sanjay Srivastava 2012: “National identity, bedrooms and kitchens: Gated communities and new narratives of space in India”, i Rachel Heiman, Carla Freeman og Mark Liechty (red.): The Global Middle Classes: Theorizing Through Ethnography. Santa Fe, N. M.: SAR Press, s. 57-84

McGuire, Meredith Lindsay 2011: “’How to sit, how to stand’: Bodily practice and the new urban middle class”, i Isabelle Clark-Decès (red.): A Companion to the Anthropology of India. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell, s. 117-136.


3. Kvinner, klasse, endring

Jacobson, Doranne 1999: “Women and jewelry in Rural India”, i Doranne Jacobson og Sudan S. Wadley (red.): Women in India: Two Perspectives. New Delhi:  Manohar, s. 171-223.

Tenhunen, Sirpa 2014: Gender, intersectionality and smartphones in rural West Bengal”, i Kenneth Bo Nielsen og Anne Waldrop (red.): Women, Gender and Everyday Social Transformation in India, London: Anthem, s. 33-45.

Waldrop, Anne 2011: “Kitty-parties and middle-class femininity in New Delhi”, i Henrike Donner (red.): Being Middle-Class in India: A Way of Life. London: Routledge, s. 162-183.

Govindan, Padma 2009: “Understanding India’s pub-going, loose and forward women”, i Infochange Human Rights 12. oktober, kort online-artikkel.


4. Store forventninger

Cross, Jamie 2014: Dream Zones: Anticipating Capitalism and Development in India. New York: Pluto Press. P. 1-201 (202 pages)


5. Muslimer og klasse

Vatuk, Sylvia 1996: “Identity and difference or equality and inequality in South Asian Muslim Society”, i C. J. Fuller (red.): Caste Today, New Delhi: Oxford University Press, s. 227-262.

Biswas, Soutik 2007: “Why do Indian Muslims lag behind?”, BBC News 9 August, kort online-artikkel.

Fr?ystad, Kathinka 2005: “1992: Essentializing and foregrounding Muslims”, i Blended Boundaries: Caste, Class and Shifting Faces of Hindu Nationalism in a North Indian City. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, p. 193-225.

Rathore, Gayatri Jai Singh 2012: “From occupation-based to ‘communal’ neighbour?hood?”, i Laurent Gayer og Christophe Jaffrelot (red.): Muslims in Indian Cities: Trajectories of Marginalisation. New York: Columbia University Press, s. 81-103.


6. Nye religi?se trender

Simpson, Edward 2013: “The changing perspectives of three Muslim men on the question of saint worship over a 10-year period in Gujarat, Western India”, i Filippo Osella og Caroline Osella (red.): Islamic Reform in South Asia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, s. 202-229.

Warrier, Maya 2006: “Modernity and its imbalances: Constructing modern selfhood in the Mata Amritanandamayi Mission”, Religion 36 (no?):179-195 (download)

Fr?ystad, Kathinka 2012: ?The mediated guru: simplicity, instantaneity and change in middle-class religious seeking?, i Aya Ikegame og Jacob Copeman (red.): The Guru in South Asia: New Interdisciplinary Perspectives. London: Routledge, p. 181-201.

Brosius, Christiane 2010: “A spiritual mega-experience: The Akshardham Cultural Complex”, i India’s Middle Class: New Forms of Urban Leisure, Consumption and Prosperity. London: Routledge, s. 143-257.

Nanda, Meera 2011: “Not as old as you think”, i Open The Magazine 2 Februar". Kort online-artikkel.


7. Utenfor

Fr?ystad, Kathinka 2005: “1997: Essentializing and foregrounding Dalits”, i Blended Boundaries: Caste, Class and Shifting Faces of Hindu Nationalism in a North Indian City, New Delhi: Oxford University Press, s. 227-264.

Ahmad, Irfan 2014: “Kafka in India: Terrorism, media, Muslims”, i Robin Jeffrey and Ronojoy Sen (red.): Being Muslim in South Asia: Diversity and Daily Life. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, s. 289-329.

Craig Jeffery 2010: "Timepass: Youth, class, and time among unemployed young men in India”, American Ethnologist 37(3), p. 465-481.

Alpa Shah 2011: “India burning: the Maoist revolution”, i Isabelle Clark-Decès (red.): A Companion to the Anthropology of India. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, s. 332-351.

Fr?ystad, Kathinka 2014: “Hvor er nyansene i fortellingen om Indias fattige”, i Aftenposten Viten 18. juni. Kort online-artikkel.

Publisert 12. nov. 2014 10:52 - Sist endret 18. nov. 2014 10:11