(Pensum er veiledende)
1. Introduksjon / Bakgrunn.
Corbridge, Stuart (et.al): Seeing the state: governance and governmentality in India, 2005. Cambridge university press.
Chatterjee, Partha: "Democracy and economic transformation in India?" i Economic and Political Weekly, 19/4, 2008. Det har kommet 4 tilsvar til denne artikkelen, som ogs? er anbefalt lesing..
Kaviraj, Sudipta: "Modernity and politics in India" i Daedalus, Winter 2000. Fulltekst.
Kohli, Atul, ed: The success of India’s democracy, 2001. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge . Part III. Social Demands and Democratic Deepening. Ca 50 s..
2. "The India Model"
Adams, John: "India’s economy" i S. Ganguly & N. DeVotta, eds: Understanding contemporary India, CO 2003. 25 s..
Desai, Meghnad: "Will India ever catch up with China? " i South Asia , 2005. 15 s. Fulltekst.
Das, Gurcharan: "The India model" i Foreign affairs, 2006. 7 s.
Geir Heierstad: "Demokrati og utenrikspolitikk" i A.E. Ruud og G. Heierstad: Demokrati p? indisk, 2010. Unipub.
Vicziany, Marika: "The Indian economy in the twenty-first century: The tough questions that just won’t go away" i South Asia 2005. 21 s. Fulltekst.
3. Den ikke-s?-globaliserte ?konomien
Harriss-White, Barbara: India working: Essays on society and economy, 2006. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge . Kapittel 1-7, 199 s.
4. Industrialisering og det (u)formelle arbeidsmarkedet
Kohli, Atul: "India’s fragmented-multiclass state and protected industrialization" i State-directed development: Political power and industrialization in the global periphery, 2004. Cambridge UP. 31 s.
Annika Wetlesen: "Fagforeninger og velferdspolitikk i Tamil Nadu" i A.E. Ruud og G. Heierstad: Demokrati p? indisk, 2010. Unipub. s.157-179.
Breman, Jan: "The creation of a labour surplus in Surat District, Gujarat, India" i Stuart Corbridge, ed: Development studies: A reader, 1995 (opr. 1985. London: Edward Arnold. 7 s.
Breman, Jan: "Urban poverty in the 21st century" i The labouring poor in India: Patterns of Exploitation, Subordination, and Exclusions, 2003. New Delhi: OUP. 27 s.
Candlang, Christopher: "Labour, Industry and the State in India and Pakistan" i Munck & Waterman: Labour Worldwide in the era of globalisation: Alternative Union Models and the New World Order, 1999. New York: Palgrave. 19 s.
Harriss-White, Barbara: India working: Essays on society and economy, 2006. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge . Kapittel 8-9, 48 sider.
5. Sosiale endringsprosesser og internasjonale relasjoner
Assayag, J. & C.J. Fuller, eds: Globalizing India: Perspectives from below, 2005. Anthem Press, London . Kapittel 1—7, 9—10. Tils. 216 sider.
C. Raja Mohan: "India and the balance of power" i Foreign Affairs , 4 2006. 16 s.
Sumit Ganguly: "International relations" i S. Ganguly & N. DeVotta, eds: Understanding contemporary India, 2003. Boulder, CO . 17 s.
Sumit Ganguly: "Will Kashmir stop India’s rise? " i Foreign Affairs , 4 2006. 12 s.
6. Narmada: Milj? og Utvikling
Guro Aandahl: "Statlig makt og avmakt i Sardar Sarovar-prosjektet, Gujarat" i A.E. Ruud og G. Heierstad: Demokrati p? indisk, 2010. Unipub. s. 133-157.
Blinkhorn, Thomas A, and William T. Smith: "India's Narmada: River of Hope" i William Fisher (red).: Towards Sustainable Development? Struggling over India's Narmada River, 1995. Armonk/London: Sharpe. 23 s.
Mosse, David: "Introduction: The Social Ecology and Ideology of Water" i The Rule of Water: Statecraft, Ecology and Collective Action in South India, 2003. Delhi: OUP. . 28 s.
Omvedt, Gail: "An open letter to Arundhati Roy" i Friends of River Narmada. . http://www.narmada.org/debates/gail/gail.open.letter.html.
Patel, C.C: "The Sardar Sarovar Project: A Victim of Time" i William Fisher (red): in Towards Sustainable Development? Struggling over India's Narmada River, 1995. Armonk/London: Sharpe. Side 71-88, 17 s.
Patkar, Medha (in conversation with Smitu Kothari: "The Struggle for Participation and Justice: A Historical Narrative" i William Fisher (red): Towards Sustainable Development? Struggling over India's Narmada River, 1995. Armonk/London: Sharpe. side 157-178, 21 s.
Rangarajan, Mahesh: "The Future of the Environment: Beyond Utopia and Doomsday" i Edited by Romila Thapar: India: Another Millennium? , 2000. Delhi: Penguin. 17 s.
Roy, Arundhati: "The Greater Common Good" i Arundhati Roy: The Algebra of Infinite Justice, 2002. New Delhi: Penguin India. 20 s. http://www.narmada.org/gcg/gcg.html.