
F?lgende b?ker m? kj?pes:

Ruud, Mageli og Price (2011). Indias historie med Pakistan og Bangladesh.

I tillegg anbefales f?lgende bok som generell bakgrunn:

Ruud og Heierstad, red. (2010). Demokrati p? indisk.

1. Det indiske demokratiet blir til

Ruud, Mageli og Price (2011). Kapittel 8+9 i Indias historie med Pakistan og Bangladesh, side 262-371 (110 sider)

Kothari (1964). ‘The Congress “System” in India. Asian Survey 4(12), side 1161-1173. (12 sider)

2. Demokratiet demokratiseres

Ruud, Mageli og Price (2011). Kapittel 10 i Indias historie, med Pakistan og Bangladesh, side 372-426. (54 sider)

Yadav (2000). ‘Understanding the Second Democratic Upsurge: Trends of Bahujan Participation in Electoral Politics in the 1990s’, i Transforming India: Social and Political Dynamics of Democracy, redigert av Frankel, Hasan, Bhargava og Arora, side 120-45. (25 sider)

Jayal (2016). ‘Contending representative claims in Indian democracy’. India Review 15(2), side 172-195. (23 sider)

3. Teoretiske perspektiv p? indisk demokrati

Varshney (2013). Kapittel 1 i Battles Half Won: India’s Improbable Democracy. (35 sider)

Heller (2000). ‘Degrees of Democracy: Some Comparative Lessons from India’. World Politics 52, side 484-519. (35 sider)

Michelutti (2007). ‘The vernacularization of democracy: political participation and popular politics in North India. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (N.S.) 13, side 639-656. (17 sider)

Banerjee (2008). ‘Democracy, Sacred and Everyday: An Ethnographic Case from India’, i Democracy: Anthropological Approaches, redigert av Paley, side 63-96. (22 sider)

Piliavsky (2013). ‘Where is the Public Sphere? Political communications and the Morality of Disclosure in Rural Rajasthan’. Cambridge Anthropology 31(2), 104-122. (18 sider)

4. Politisk lederskap og autoritet

Dickey (1993). ‘The Politics of Adulation: Cinema and the Production of Politicians in South India’. Journal of Asian Studies 52(2), sider 340-372. (32 sider)

Nielsen (2016). ‘Mamata Banerjee: Redefining Female Leadership’ i India’s Democracies: Diversity, Co-optation, Resistance, redigert av Ruud og Heierstad, side 101-34. (33 sider)

Ruud og Islam (2016). ‘Political Dynasty Formation in Bangladesh’. South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies 39(2), side 401-414. (13 sider)

Price (1989). ‘Kingly Models in Indian Political Behavior: Culture as a Medium of History’. Asian Survey 29(6), side 559-572. (13 sider).

Manor (2000). ‘Small-Time Political Fixers in India’s States: “Towel over Armpit”’. Asian Survey 40(5), side 816-35. (19 sider)

5. Kaste og politikk

Weiner (2001). ‘The Struggle for Equality: Caste in Indian Politics’, i The Success of India’s Democracy, redigert av Kohli, side 193-225. (32 sider)

Jaffrelot (2000). ‘The rise of the other backward classes in the Hindi belt’. Journal of Asian Studies 59(1), side 86-108. (22 sider)

Jaffrelot (2010). ‘Sanskritization vs ethnicization in India: Changing Identities and Caste Politics Before Mandal’, i Religion, Caste and Politics in India, side 449-458. (9 sider)

Rudolph og Rudolph (1960). ‘The Political Role of India’s Caste Associations’. Pacific Affairs 33(1), side 5-22. (17 sider)

Waghmore (2013). ‘The Imagined “Bahujan”: Caste and Cultural Repertoires of BSP’, i Civility against Caste: Dalit Politics and citizenship in Western India’, side 116-143. (27 sider)

Gorringe (2006). ‘”You build your house, we'll build ours”: The Attractions and Pitfalls of Dalit Identity Politics’. Social Identities 11(6), side 653-672. (19 sider)

6. Hindunasjonalisme

Fl?ten (2010). ‘BJPs hinduidentitet’, i Demokrati p? indisk, redigert av Ruud og Heierstad, side 35-62. (27 sider)

Kovacs (2004). ‘You Don’t Understand, We are at War! Refashioning Durga in the Service of Hindu Nationalism’. Contemporary South Asia 13(4), side 373-388. (15 sider)

Banerjee (2006). ‘Armed masculinity, Hindu nationalism and female political participation in India’. International Feminist Journal of Politics 8(1), side 62-83. (21 sider)

Jaffrelot (2010). ‘The Politics of Processions in Hindu-Muslim Riots’, i Religion, Caste and Politics in India, side 343-375. (32 sider)

7. Lov og rett

Khare (1972). ‘Indigenous Culture and Lawyer’s Law in India’. Comparative Studies in Society and History 14(1), side 71-96. (25 sider)

Eckert (2006). ‘From Subjects to Citizens: Legalism from Below and the Homogenisation of the Legal Sphere’. Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law 38, side 45-75. (30 sider).

Sundar (2011). ‘The Rule of Law and the Rule of Property: Law-Struggles and the Neo-Liberal State in India’, i The State in India after Liberalization: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, redigert av Gupta og Sivaramakrishnan, side 175-93. (18 sider)

Ruparelia (2013). ‘India’s New Rights Agenda: Genesis, Promises, Risks’. Pacific Affairs 86(3), side 569-590. (21 sider).

8. Urfolk, aktivister og maoister

Uday Chandra (2013). Going Primitive: The Ethics of Indigenous Rights Activism in Contemporary Jharkhand. Samaj 7. (18 pages).

Alpa Shah (2013). The tensions over liberal citizenship in a Marxist revolutionary situation: The Maoists in India. Critique of Anthropology 33 (1). (19 pages).

Nandini Sundar (2013). Reflections on civil liberties, citizenship, Adivasi agency and Maoism: A response to Alpa Shah. Critique of Anthropology 33 (3). (7 pages).

Alpa Shah (2013). Response to Nandini Sundar’s Response to ‘The Tensions Over Citizenship in a Marxist-Leninist Revolutionary Situation: The Maoists in India’. Critique of Anthropology 33 (4). (4 pages).


9. Oppsummering

Jostein Jakobsen, Kenneth Bo Nielsen, Alf Gunvald Nilsen and Anand Vaidya (2018). Mapping the World’s Largest Democracy (1947-2017). Forum for Development Studies.

Publisert 21. nov. 2018 22:06 - Sist endret 22. nov. 2018 10:11