
Det anbefales ? skaffe boka av Ruud, A.E. og G. Heierstad,red: 2010, Demokrati p? indisk f?r undervisningen begynner. ?vrig pensum vil bli gjort tilgjengelig ved semesterstart.

Pensum SAS 2504 – Politisk kultur i India, v?ren 2017

1. Introduksjon

2. Kolonitid og frigj?ringskamp

Ruud, Mageli og Price: 2004, Indias historie, med Pakistan og Bangladesh, Cappelen, Oslo, kapittel 7 og 8.

3. Utviklingen av det indiske demokratiet

Chatterjee, Partha 1998, “Introduction”, State and politics in India, OUP: New Delhi

Ruud, Mageli og Price, Indias historie, med Pakistan og Bangladesh (Oslo 2004), kapittel 9

Ruud, A.E.: 2010, "Forankringen av demokratiet i India" i Ruud, A.E. og G. Heierstad,red. Demokrati p? indisk, Unipub, Oslo. s.5-35.

4. Den indiske grunnloven

Granville Austin: 1966, The Indian Constitution, kapittel 1

Francesca R. Jensenius: 2015. “Mired in Reservations: The Path-Dependent History of Electoral Quotas in India.” Journal of Asian Studies, vol. 74, no. 1 (February), s. 1–21.

5. Byr?kratiet

Potter, David C: 1996. India's political administrators: From ICS to IAS. Oxford University Press, USA, s. 18-82.

Milan Vaishnav and Saksham Khosla: 2016. “The Indian Administrative Service Meets Big Data,”
The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

Bussell, Jennifer: 2012. Corruption and Reform in India: Public Services in the Digital Age. New York and New Delhi: Cambridge University Press. Kapittel. 3.

6. H?ren og rettsvesenet

Wilkinson, Steven: 2015, Army and Nation- The Military and Indian Democracy since Independence, Harvard University Press, kapittel 1

Rajmani, Lavanya and A. Sengupta: 2010. “The Supreme Court of India: Promise, Reach and Over-reach,” in Jayal and Mehta (eds.) The Oxford Companion to Politics in India.

7. Et partisystem i endring

Kothari, R: 1964, "The Congress' System in India." Asian Survey, s.1161-1173.

Sridharan, E: 2003. Coalitions and Party Strategies in India's Parliamentary Federation. Publius,33(4), s.135-152.

Michelutti, Lucia: 2007, “Introduction”, Vernacularisation, Routledge.

8. Kaste og politikk

Weiner, Myron: 2001, “The Struggle for Equality: Caste in Indian Politics,” in Atul ?Kohli, Ed. The Success of India’s Democracy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, s?. 193-225.

Chandra, Kanchan. 2000. "The transformation of ethnic politics in India: The decline of Congress and the rise of the Bahujan Samaj Party in Hoshiarpur" i Journal of Asian Studies, vol. 59 no. 1, s. 26-61.

Jaffrelot, Christophe. "The rise of the other backward classes in the Hindi belt." The Journal of Asian Studies 59.01 (2000), s. 86-108.

9. Hindunasjonalisme

Fl?ten, L.T. ?BJPs hinduidentitet?, i Ruud/Heierstad, red. Demokrati p? indisk, Unipub 2010, s. 35-62

Amrita, Basu: "When local politics are not merely local: Bringing the state back in, Bijnor 1988-1992" i P. Chatterjee, red: State and politics in India, OUP Delhi, s. 390-435

'In the Name of God' (Ram Ke Naam) - A film by Anand Patwardhan (

10. Kriminalitet og vold

Milan Vaishnav. 2017. When Crime Pays: Money and Muscle in Indian Politics. Yale University Press. Preface and chapter 1.

Wilkinson, S.I: 2006, Votes and Violence: Electoral Competition and Ethnic Riots in India, Cambridge University Press.  

11. Minoriteter og oppr?r

Crossette, B.: 2004. “India's Sikhs: Waiting for justice,” i World Policy Journal, 21(2), pp.70-77.

Corbridge, Stuart, John Harriss and Craig Jeffrey: 2013, India Today. Polity Press, 2013, kapittel 10.

12. Representasjon og ledelse

Alm, Bj?rn: 2009, Creating Followers, gaining patrons: Leadership Strategies in a Tamil Nadu village. In eds. Price, Pamela G. and Ruud, Arild Engelsen Power and Influence in India – Bosses, Lords and Captains, New Delhi: Routledge.

Dickey, Sarah: "The Politics of Adulation: Cinema and the Production of Politicians in South India", i The Journal of Asian Studies, vol.52 No.2, pp. 340-372.

Nielsen, Kenneth Bo: 2010, "Kvinnelige ledere i indisk politikk" i Ruud, A.E. og G. Heierstad,red.: Demokrati p? indisk. Unipub, Oslo. s. 63-89.

13. Valgdeltagelse

Ruud, A.E.: 2000, "Talking dirty about politics" i C. Fuller & V. Béné?, red: The everyday state and politics in India. s.115-136.

Price, Pamela og Dusi Srinivas: 2010, "Hvorfor stemmer folk, og i h?p om hva? Intervjuer fra en s?rindisk landsby" i Ruud, A.E. og G. Heierstad, red.: Demokrati p? indisk. Unipub, Oslo. s. 89-111.

Banerjee, Mukulika: 2007, "Sacred elections." Economic and Political Weekly, 1556-1562.

14. Debatt, reform og demokratiets vilk?r i India

Widmalm, Sten: 2010.  “Hvor mye folkelig deltakelse…”, i Ruud/Heierstad, red. Demokrati p? Indisk, Unipub, s. 231-256.

Fr?ystad, Kathink:  2010. “Balansekunst, …”, i Ruud/Heierstad, red. Demokrati p? indisk,Unipub, s. 157-177.

Corbridge, Stuart, John Harriss and Craig Jeffrey: 2013, India Today. Polity Press, 2013, kapittel 6.

Publisert 24. nov. 2016 10:30 - Sist endret 22. mars 2017 12:12