
Studentene oppfordres ogs? til ? skaffe seg en generell bakgrunnskunnskap om s?rasiatisk historie. Les gjerne Part I og II i Corbridge og Harriss Reinventing India, som dog bare handler om India. Alternativer for mer av S?r-Asia, men som ikke er p? pensumslisten:

Mesteparten av pensum er ? finne her:

  • Kompendiet for SAS2504 (markert med K)
  • Corbridge & Harriss, eds. Reinventing India, 2000, Polity Press, Cambridge.
  • P. Chatterjee, ed. State and politics in India, 1998, OUP: New Delhi (markert med C).
  • C. Jaffrelot, ed. Pakistan: Nationalism without a nation?, 2004, Zed Books, London (markert med J).
  • A.E. Ruud, Poetics of Village Politics, 2003, OUP, New Delhi (markert med R).
  • A.E.Ruud og G.Heierstad, red. Demokrati p? indisk, 2010, Unipub, Oslo (markert med D).
  • Internett (markert med I - kan bare hentes opp fra en universitetsmaskin!)

Introduksjon: det indiske demokratiet

Corbridge, Stuart & John Harriss: Reinventing India: Liberalization, Hindu Nationalism and Popular Democracy, 2000. Oxford University Press, Delhi. Part III, s. 143-239 (i alt 82 s.).

(D) Ruud, Arild Engelsen: "Forankringen av demokratiet i India" i Ruud, A.E. og G. Heierstad, red.: Demokrati p? indisk, 2010. Unipub, Oslo. s. 13-35.

(D) Widmalm, Sten: "Hvor mye folkelig deltakelse kan Indias demokrati h?ndtere?" i Ruud, A.E. og G. Heierstad, red.: Demokrati p? indisk, 2010. Unipub, Oslo. s. 231-256.

(D) Price, Pamela og Dusi Srinivas: "Hvorfor stemmer folk, og i h?p om hva? Intervjuer fra en s?rindisk landsby" i Ruud, A.E. og G. Heierstad, red.: Demokrati p? indisk, 2010. Unipub, Oslo. s. 89-111..

Anbefalt tilleggslitteratur: "Introduction: A Political History of Independent India", i Chatterjee, P.(ed.) State and Politics in India, 1998, Oxford University Press, New Delhi.

Patroner og klienter

(K) Cohn, B.C.: Some notes on law and change: An anthropologist among the historians, 1987. s. 554-574.

(K) Chakrabaty: Rethinking working-class history, Kap. 4: The paradox of organization, 1989. Princeton University Press. s. 116-154.

(K) Ruud, A.E.: "Talking dirty about politics" i C. Fuller & V. Béné?, red: The everyday state, 2000. s. 115-136.

Fasene i indisk politikk

(K) Kaviraj, Sudipta: "Kap 4. On State, Society and Discourse in India" i Manor ed: Rethinking Third World Politics, 1991. s. 72-99.

(C) Manor, James: "Parties and the party system" i P Chatterjee, red: State and politics in India, OUP. s. 92-124.

(K) Kochanek, Stanley A: Indira Gandhi's India, A Political System Reappraised, 1976. Kap. 4 Mrs. Gandhi's Pyramid: The New Congress, s. 93-124.

(C) Yadav, Y: "Reconfiguration in Indian politics: State assembly elections 1993-1995" i P. Chatterjee, red: State and politics in India, OUP Delhi. s. 177-208.

(I) Yadav, Yogendra: "The Elusive Mandate of 2004" i Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 39, no. 51, 2004. S. 5383 - 5395.. Fulltekst.

(I) Suri, K.C.: "Democracy, Economic Reforms and Election Results in India" i Economic and Political Weekly, vol. 39, no.51, 2004. S. 5404 - 5411. Fulltekst.

Nummeret artiklene til Suri og Yadav er hentet fra er viet valget i 2004. Her finner dere ogs? analyser av valget p? delstatsniv?.:

Identitetspolitikk: hindunasjonalisme

(D) Fl?ten, Lars Tore: "BJPs hinduidentitet" i Ruud, A.E. og G. Heierstad, red.: Demokrati p? indisk, 2010. Unipub, Oslo. s. 35-63.

(K) Brass, Paul: The production of Hindu-Muslim violence in contemporary India, 2003. OUP Delhi. Kap. 9 The practice of communal politics, s. 240-261.

(C) Basu, Amrita: "When local politics are not merely local: Bringing the state back in, Bijnor 1988-1992" i P. Chatterjee, red: State and politics in India, OUP Delhi. s. 390-435.

Utdraget fra Corbridge og Harriss samt teksten til Jaffrelot fra kastebolken omhandler ogs? hindunasjonalisme.

Kaste og politikk

(K) Kothari, Rajni: "Introduction" i R. Kothari, red: Caste in Indian politics,, 1991. s. 3-25.

(K) Pai, Sudha: Dalit assertion and the unfinished democratic revolution: the Bahujan Samaj Party in Uttar Pradesh, 2002. Sage, New Delhi. Kap. 5. ’New forms of Dalit assertion at the grassroots: The BSP in Meerut district, s. 192-219.

(I) Chandra, Kanchan: "The transformation of ethnic politics in India: The decline of Congress and the rise of the Bahujan Samaj Party in Hoshiarpur" i Journal of Asian Studies, vol. 59 no. 1, 2000. s. 26-61. Fulltekst.

(K) Mendelsohn, Oliver & Marika Vicziany: The Untouchables: Subordination, poverty and the state in modern India, 1998. CUP. Kap. 7 Untouchable politics and untouchable politicians since 1956 (s. 203-237).

(K) Jaffrelot, Christoph: "The Sangh Parivar between sanskritization and social engineering" i C. Jaffrelot & T.B. Hansen, red: The BJP and the compulsion of politics in India, 1998. OUP Delhi. s. 22-71.

Politisk lederskap, fokus p? s?r

(C) Pandian, M.S.S: "Culture and subaltern consciousness: An aspect of the MGR phenomenon" i P. Chatterjee, red: State and politics in India, Delhi. s. 367-389.

(K) Bate, J. Bernard: "Political praise in Tamil newspapers: The poetry and iconography of democratic power" i Diane P. Mines and Sarah Lamb, red: Everyday life in South Asia, 2002. Indiana University Press. s. 308-325.

(K) Price, Pamela: "Ideological integration in post-colonial (South) Asia: Aspects of a political language" i C Bates & S Basu, eds: Rethinking Indian political institutions, 2005. Anthem. s. 39-62.

(I) Price, Pamela: Revolution and Rank in Tamil Nationalism, 1996. Journal of Asian Studies, vol. 55, no 2. s. 359-383.

(I) Sara Dickey: "The Politics of Adulation: Cinema and the Production of Politicians in South India. " i The Journal of Asian Studies, vol.52 No.2, pp. 340-372. Fulltekst.

(D) Nielsen, Kenneth Bo: "Kvinnelige ledere i indisk politikk" i Ruud, A.E. og G. Heierstad, red.: Demokrati p? indisk, 2010. Unipub, Oslo. s. 63-89.


(R) Ruud, Arild Engelsen: Poetics of Village Politics, 2003. New Delhi: Oxford University Press. s. 1-211.

(C) Kohli, Atul: "From breakdown to order: West Bengal" i P. Chatterjee, red: State and politics in India, s. 336-366.

Nasjonsbygging i Pakistan

(J) Jaffrelot, Christophe, ed: A History of Pakistan and Its Origins, 2002. London: Anthem Press. Part 1 (s.9-94).

(J) Jaffrelot, Christoph, red: Pakistan: Nationalism without a nation?, Zed books / Manohar Delhi 2002. Ian Talbot: The punjabization of Pakistan: Amélie Blom: The 'multi-vocal state': The policy of Pakistan in Kashmir; Mohammad Waseem: The dialectic between domestic politics and foreign politics; Jean-Luc Racine: Pakistan and the 'India syndrome': Between Kashmir and the nuclear predicament Myth or reality? og Yunas Samad: In and out of power but not down and out: Mohajir identity politics..

(K) Talbot, Ian: "Understanding religious violence in contemporary Pakistan: Themes and theories" i Kaur ed: Religion, Violence and Political Mobilisation in South Asia, s. 145-164.

Publisert 15. jan. 2014 13:54