
Studentene oppfordres ogs? til ? skaffe seg en generell bakgrunnskunnskap om s?rasiatisk historie. Les gjerne Part I og II i Corbridge og Harriss Reinventing India, som dog bare handler om India. Alternativer for mer av S?r-Asia, men som ikke er p? pensumslisten:

Mesteparten av pensum er ? finne enten her:

  • Kompendiet for SAS1504 (markert med K)
  • Corbridge & Harriss, eds. Reinventing India
  • P. Chatterjee, ed. State and politics in India, OUP Delhi (markert med C)
  • C. Jaffrelot, ed. Pakistan: Nationalism without a nation? Zed Books, London (markert med J)

Noe pensumslitteratur er tilgjengelig andre steder:

  • internett (markert med I - kan bare hentes opp fra en universitetsmaskin!)
  • deles ut p? forelesning eller hentes utenfor rom 381 PA Munchs hus


Corbridge, Stuart & John Harriss: Reinventing India: Liberalization, Hindu Nationalism and Popular Democracy, 2000. Oxford University Press, Delhi. Part III, s. 143-239 (i alt 82 s.).

Baldev Raj Nayar: India in 2004: Regime change in a divided democracy: Asian Survey, 45, 1 Jan./ Feb. 2005.

Neil DeVotta: Sri Lanka in 2004: Enduring political decay and a failing peace process: Asian survey, 45, 1 Jan./ Feb. 2005.

Charles H. Kennedy: Pakistan in 2004: Running very fast to stay in the same place: Asian Survey, 45, 1 Jan./ Feb. 2005.

Tolking av staten

(C) Kaviraj, Sudipta: A critique of the passive revolution, i P Chatterjee, red. State and politics in India. OUP Delhi. 45-87.

(C) Manor, James: Parties and the party system, i P Chatterjee, red. State and politics in India. OUP. s. 92-124.

(C) Butler, David et al: India decides: Elections 1952-1995, i P. Chatterjee, red. State and politics in India. OUP Delhi. s. 125-176.

(C) Chatterjee, Partha: Development planning and the Indian state, i P. Chatterjee, red. State and politics in India. OUP Delhi. s. 271-297.

(J) Jaffrelot, Christoph. Pakistan searching for its identity: Pakistan: Nationalism without a nation , C. Jaffrelot, red. . Zed books / Manohar Delhi 2003. s. 7-48.

(K) Kothari, Rajni. Introduction: R. Kothari, red. Caste in Indian politics, New Delhi 1991. s. 3-25.

Hindu-muslimske motsetninger

(K) Brass, Paul: The production of Hindu-Muslim violence in contemporary India, OUP Delhi 2003. Kap. 9 The practice of communal politics (s. 240-261).

(I) Madan, T.N. Secularism in its place: Journal of Asian Studies, 1987. s. 747-58.

(K) Juergensmeyer, M. The logic of religious violence: T.N. Madan, red. Religion in India, OUP Delhi. s. 382-393.

(C) Basu, Amrita: When local politics are not merely local: Bringing the state back in, Bijnor 1988-1992: P. Chatterjee, red. State and politics in India, OUP Delhi. s. 390-435.

Sri Lanka

Michael Roberts: Exploring confrontation: Sri Lanka: Politics, Culture and History, Harwood Academic Publishers, Switzerland, 1994. kap. 2 og 5.

Gananath Obeyesekere: The cult of goddess Pattini, The University of Chicago Press, 1984. kap. 2, s. 50-70.

Dalit politics

Pai, Sudha: Dalit assertion and the unfinished democratic revolution: the Bahujan Samaj Party in Uttar Pradesh , Sage, New Delhi 2002. Kap. 5.

Shah, Ghanshyam: Dalit identity and politics, Sage, New Delhi 2001. G. Shah: Introduction.

(I) Chandra, Kanchan. The transformation of ethnic politics in India: The decline of Congress and the rise of the Bahujan Samaj Party in Hoshiarpur: Journal of Asian Studies, 59, 1 2000. s. 26-61.

(K) Mendelsohn, Oliver & Marika Vicziany: The Untouchables: Subordination, poverty and the state in modern India, 1998. CUP. Kap. 7 Untouchable politics and untouchable politicians since 1956 (s. 203-237).

(K) Jaffrelot, Christoph. The Sangh Parivar between sanskritization and social engineering: C. Jaffrelot & T.B. Hansen, red. The BJP and the compulsion of politics in India, OUP Delhi 1998. s. 22-71.

Politisk kultur i S?r-India

(C) Pandian, M.S.S. Culture and subaltern consciousness: An aspect of the MGR phenomenon: P. Chatterjee, red. State and politics in India, OUP Delhi. s. 367-389.

(K) Bate, J. Bernard. Political praise in Tamil newspapers: The poetry and iconography of democratic power: Diane P. Mines and Sarah Lamb, red. Everyday life in South Asia, Indiana University Press 2002. s. 308-325.

Price, Pamela. Ideological integration in post-colonial (South) Asia: C Bates & S Basu, eds. Rethinking Indian political institutions, Anthem 2005.

Bondebevegelser og formelle institusjoner

(C) Kohli, Atul. From breakdown to order: West Bengal: P. Chatterjee, red. State and politics in India, s. 336-366.

(K) Wade, Robert. The system of administrative and political corruption: Canal irrigation in South India: Journal of development studies, s. 287-327.

(I) Gupta, Akhil. Blurred boundaries: The discourse of corruption, the culture of politics, and the imagined state: American ethnologist, 22, 2 1995. s. 375-402.

Gupta, Dipankar: Rivalry and brotherhood, Kapitlene The Jats and their union; Equality and rivalry; Routine repression .

Mitra, Subrata. Effects of institutional arrangements on political stability in South Asia: Annual review of political science, 1999. s. 405-28.

Region og religion i Pakistan

(J) Jaffrelot, Christoph, red: Pakistan: Nationalism without a nation?, Zed books / Manohar Delhi 2002. Ian Talbot: The punjabization of Pakistan: Amélie Blom: The 'multi-vocal state': The policy of Pakistan in Kashmir; Mohammad Waseem: The dialectic between domestic politics and foreign politics; Jean-Luc Racine: Pakistan and the 'India syndrome': Between Kashmir and the nuclear predicament Myth or reality? og Yunas Samad: In and out of power but not down and out: Mohajir identity politics.


(K) Cohen, Stephen P: India: Emerging power, OUP Delhi 2001. Kap. 10: India rising (s. 299-318).

Publisert 25. okt. 2005 01:06 - Sist endret 6. juli 2006 11:47