Studentene forventes ? ha en viss bakgrunnskunnskap i s?rasiatisk historie. For eksempel kan leses:
Corbridge, Stuart and Harriss, John: Reinventing India, 2000. Polity Press, Cambridge UK. Kapitlene 5-8.
Ganguly & DeVotta, red. : Understanding contemporary India , 2003. Boulder.
Sugata Bose & Ayesha Jalal: : Modern South Asia: History, culture, political economy, 1998. Routledge . Kapitlene 10-20.
Ruud, A.E., E. Mageli og P. Price: Indias historie, med Pakistan og Bangladesh, 2004. Cappelen akademisk forlag. Kapitlene 7-10.
Mesteparten av pensum er ? finne her:
Kompendium for SAS1502 (markert med K)
Internett (markert med I - kan bare hentes opp fra en universitetsmaskin!)
(K) Béteille, A. : Caste in contemporary India., C. Fuller, red. Caste today, 1996. 29 s..
Pinglé, Vibha. Caste: Ganguly & DeVotta, red. Understanding contemporary India, 2003. Kap. 11.
(K) Dirks, Nicholas B. The Original Caste: Power, history and hierarchy in South Asia: McKim Marriott, red. India through Hindu categories., Contributions to Indian sociology, Occasional studies no 5. Sage, New Delhi 1990 (s. 59-77).
Religi?s reform
Jones, Kenneth W.: Socio-religious reform movements in British India, 1989. Cambridge U. Press. 220 s, hele boken.
(I) Brekke, Torkel. The conceptual foundation of missionary Hinduism: Journal of religious history, 23, 2 1999. 12 s.
Gandhi og nasjonalbevegelsen
Rudolph, Lloyd I., & Susanne Hoeber Rudolph: The modernity of tradition: Political development in India, 1967. U. of Chicago Press. Part Two: The traditional roots of charisma: Gandhi (s.155-249).
(K) Parekh, Bhikhu: Gandhi's political philosophy: A critical examination, 1989. Notre Dame. Kap. 8 Critical appreciation (s. 195-225).
(F) Seyyed Vali Reza Nasr. Mawdudi and the Jama'at-i Islami: The origins, theory and practice of Islamic revivalism: Rahnema, Ali, red. Pioneers of Islamic revival, Zed books 1994. s. 98-124.
(I) Zaman, Muhammed Qasim. Sectarianism in Pakistan: The radicalization of Shi'i and Sunni identitites: Modern Asian Studies, 32, 3 1998. 26 s.
van der Veer, Peter: Religious nationalism: Hindus and muslims in India, 1994. U. of California Press. 203 s, hele boken.
(K) Davis, Richard H. The iconography of Rama's chariot: Making India Hindu: Religion, community, and the politics of democracy in India, David Ludden, red.. Oxford U.P. Delhi 1996 (s. 27-54).
(K) Thapar, Romila. A historical perspective on the story of Rama: Anatomy of a confrontation: The Babri Masjid--Ramjanmabhumi issue, Viking 1991 (s. 141-163).
Politisert buddhisme
Tambiah, Stanley: Buddhism betrayed: religion, politics, and violence in Sri Lanka, University of Chicago Press, 1992. Hele boken.
(F) Roberts, Michael: Exploring confrontation: Sri Lanka: Politics, culture and history, 1994. Harwood Academic Publishers. Part 2: Past and Present, Kap. 3, 4 og 5..
(K) Seneviratne, H.L.: The Work of Kings: The New Buddhism in Sri Lanka, 1999. The University of Chicago Press. Kap. 2 s. 25-55, Dharmapala and the Definition of the Monk's Mission.