
Leselisten er retningsgivende for den kunnskapen som studenten forventes ? tilegne seg i l?pet av studiet.

Bruce, Steve: Politics & Religion, Cambridge 2003. Polity Press.

* Cipriani, Roberto, i: Fenn, Richad K. (ed.): Sociology of religion, Oxford 2001. Blackwell. "Religion and diffusion of values, 'Diffused religion' in the context of a dominant religious institution", s 292 - 305.

* Frykenberg, Robert E. i: Marty, Martin E. & Scott Appleby (eds.): Accounting for fundamentalisms. The dynamic character of movements, Chicago/London 1994. University of Chicago Press. "Accounting for fundamentalisms in South Asia: ideologies and institutions in historical perspective", s 591 - 616. Vol 4.

Haynes, Jeff: Religion in global politics, London/New York 1998. Longman.

Juergensmeyer, Mark: Terror in the mind of God. The global rise of religious terrorism, Berkley 2000. University of California Press.

* Larson, Gerald J.: Religion and personal law in secular India, Bloomington/Indianapolis 2001. Indiana University Press. To artikler.

  • Austin, Granville: "Religion, personal law, and identity in India", s 15 - 23.
  • Larson, Gerald J.: "The secular state in a religious society", s 1 - 11.

* Lincoln, Bruce, i: Taylor, Mark C (ed.): Chritical terms for religious studies, Chicago/London 1998. University of Chicago Press. "Conflict", s 55 - 69.

Marquand, David and Ronald L. Nettler (eds.): Religion and democracy, Oxford 2000. Blackwell.

* Finnes i kompendium til salgs i Kopiutsalget. For ? handle i Kopiutsalget m? gyldig studentbevis medbringes. Kompendier kan ikke p?regnes ferdig f?r semesterstart.

Published Mar. 6, 2005 2:21 PM