
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
22.01.2004Anne Stensvold & Erik Thorstensen? NHA 301? Course starts. Lecture: ”State and religion” (recommended literature: Haynes) ? Kl. 10.15 - 12.00?
29.01.2004Anne Stensvold ? NHA 301 ? Lecture: ”Law, justice and the good society” (recommended literature: Marquand and Nettler)? Kl. 10.15 - 12.00 ?
05.02.2004? NHA 301 ? Lecture not yet settled (recommended literature: Larson, Brown)? Kl. 10.15 - 12.00 ?
12.02.2004? ? Last date for delivery of first draft of course-essay in Classfronter (min.2 - 8 pages)? ?
19.02.2004? ? Last date for response on essays in Classfronter? The students are divided into groups of three. Each student is required to respond to the essays of two fellow students.?
26.02.2004Erik Thorstensen? NHA 301 ? Seminar, essays and - responses? Kl. 10.15 - 12.00 ?
04.03.2004Erik Thorstensen ? NHA 301 ? Lecture: ”Religion, religions or not” (recommended literature: Lincoln, Appleby)? Kl. 10.15 - 12.00 ?
11.03.2004? ? Delivery of draft, book report (1-2 pages)? ?
18.03.2004Erik Thorstensen? NHA 301 ? Seminar, book reports? Kl. 10.15 - 12.00 ?
25.03.2004Erik Thorstensen ? NHA 301 ? Seminar, book reports? Kl. 10.15 - 12.00 ?
01.04.2004? ? Last date for delivery of polemic essay (2-3 pages) ? ?
22.04.2004Erik Thorstensen ? NHA 301 ? Seminar, polemic essay? Kl. 10.15 - 12.00 ?
22.04.2004? ? Debate on polemic essays in Classfronter? Each student is required to express a qualified opinion on each one of the polemic essays.?
06.05.2004? ? Last date for delivery of second draft of course-essay ? ?
13.05.2004? ? Response on essays in Classfronter? ?
19.05.2004Erik Thorstensen ? Gr.rom 7, GS ? Seminar, course-essay ? Kl. 10.15 - 12.00 ?
27.05.2004Anne Stensvold and Erik Thorstensen ? NHA 301 ? Seminar, course-essay and other texts? Kl. 10.15 - 12.00 ?
10.06.2004? ? Final date for submitting the 3 course-texts for evaluation? ?
24.06.2004? ? Announcement of course results? ?
Published Mar. 6, 2005 2:21 PM