Preliminary reading list on the topics Buddhism and gender, Buddhist revival and Buddhism and local religion, Buddhism and modernity. The reading list may be adjustedin cooperation with the teacher:
Gutschow, Kim. Being a Buddhist Nun: The Struggle for Englihtenment in the Himalayas. Harvard University Press, 2004
Ramble, Charles, The Navel of the Demoness. Tibetan Buddhism and Civil Religion in Highland Nepal. Oxford University Press 2008
Humphrey and Ujeed Hürelbaatar. A Monastery in Time: The Making of Mongolian Buddhism. The University of Chicago Press 2013.
Davaa Ochir, Ganzorig. “Oboo Worship: The Worship of Earth and Water Divinities in Mongolia.” Master thesis, University of Oslo, 2008.
Tuttle, Gray: Tibetan Buddhists in the Making of Modern China. Columbia University Press, 2005.