
Ved sp?rsm?l om pensum, ta kontakt med emneansvarlig.


Doniger, Wendy: "The "Kamasutra": It Isn't All about Sex" i The Kenyon Review, New Series, Vol. 25, No. 1 (Winter, 2003), pp. 18-37, Finnes p?

Sharma, Arvind: "The Puru?ārthas: An Axiological Exploration of Hinduism" i The Journal of Religious Ethics, Vol. 27, No. 2 (Summer, 1999), pp. 223-256: Finnes p?


Cabezón, José Ignacio: "Mother Wisdom, Father Love: Gender-Based Imagery in Mahayana Buddhist Thought" i José Ignacio Cabezón: Buddhism, Sexuality, and Gender, 1985. State University of New York Press. s. 181-203.

Zwilling, Leonard: "Homosexuality as Seen in Indian Buddhist Texts" i José Ignacio Cabezón (ed.): Buddhism, Sexuality, and Gender, 1985. Buddhism, Sexuality, and Gender. s. 203-215.

Mesopotamisk religion

Mer informasjon om pensum kommer.


Berkovits, Eliezer: "A Jewish Sexual Ethics" i Berkovits, Eliezer: Crisis and Faith, 1976. Sanhedrin Press, New York. Elektronisk tilgjengelig.

Boyarin, Daniel: Carnal Israel : reading sex in Talmudic culture , 1993. Berkley. s 61 - 76.

Kosman, Admiel: Gender Theories and the Religious Humanistic Dialogue, Elektronisk tilgjengelig.

Kosman, Admiel: Men's World - Reading Masculinity in Jewish Studies in a Spiritual Context, 2009. Ergon Verlag. s. 7-15, s. 41-60.

Koptisk kristendom

Thorbj?rnsrud, Berit: "Battling desire for sex. When two bodies become one" i Controlling the Body to Liberate the Soul. Towards an analysis of the Coptic orthodox concept of the Body, 1999. Oslo Universitet, PhD avhandling. s. 272-298.

1. Korinterbrev, kapittel 7.: Ekteskap og ugift stand,

Anbefalt lesning

Koren, Israel: "I and Thou and the philosophy of love" i Koren, Israel: The Mystery of the Earth: Mysticism and Hasidism in the Thought of Martin Buber, 2010. Brill.

Publisert 21. nov. 2011 08:43 - Sist endret 20. des. 2011 17:32