Syllabus/achievement requirements

Amin, Qasim: The Liberation of Women and The New Woman: Two Documents in the History of Egyptian Feminism. Transl. by Samiha Sidhom Peterson, The American University in Cairo Press, 2000.

*Badran, Margot: Between Secular and Islamic Feminism/s: Reflections on the Middle East and Beyond. Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies, 2005, 1:1, 6-28.

Badran, Margot: Feminists, Islam, and the Nation, Gender and the Making of Modern Egypt, Princeton 1995: Princeton University Press. Introduksjon og del 1.

*Ba?ci, Pelin: Advertising Modernity in Women’s World: Women’s Lifestyles and Leisure in Late-Ottoman Istanbul. Hawwa, 2004, 2:1, 34-63.

*Belhachmi, Zakia: Al-salafiyya, Feminism, and Reforms in the Nineteenth-Century Arab-Islamic Society. The Journal of North African Studies, 2004, 9:4, 63-90.

*Booth, Marilyn: Women in Islam: Men and the “Women’s Press” in Turn-of-the-Century Egypt. International Journal of Middle East Studies, 2001, 33, 171-201.

*Camilla Collett, Sidste Blade, 2den og 3dje R?kke (1872), Om Kvinden og hendes Stilling.

*Charrad, Mounira M.; Zarrugh, Amina: Equal or Complementary? Women in the New Tunisian Constitution after the Arab Spring. The Journal of North African Studies, 2014, 19:2, 230-243.

Al-Haddad, Tahir: Muslim Women in Law and Society. Annotated transl. and intro. by Ronak Husni and Daniel L. Newman of al-Tahir al-Haddad's Imra 'tuna fi 'l-sharia wa 'l-mujtama. London and New York 2007: Routledge.

*Hatem, Mervat F.: In the Eye of the Storm: Islamic Societies and Muslim Women in Globalized Discourses. Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East, 2006, 26:1, 22-35.

*Hatem, Mervat F.: The Nineteenth-Century Discursive Roots of the Continuing Debate on the Social-Sexual Contract in Today’s Egypt. Hawwa, 2004, 2:1, 64-88.

*Hatem, Mervat: Through Each Other’s Eyes: Egyptian, Levantine-Egyptian, and European Women’s Images of Themselves and of Each Other. Women’s Studies International Forum, 1989, 12:2, 183-198.

Jones-Pauly and Abir Dajani Tuqan: Women under Islam, Gender Justice and the Politics of Islamic Law, London and New York 2011: I . B. Tauris. Introduksjon, kap. 1 og 2.

McFadden, Margaret H.: Golden Cables of Sympathy: The Transatlantic Sources of Nineteenth-Century Feminism, Kentucky 1999: The University Press of Kentucky. Introduksjon og kap. 2

*McGinty, Anna Mansson: Formation of Alternative Femininities through Islam: Feminist Approaches among Muslim Converts in Sweden. Women Studies International Forum, 2007, 30, 474-485.

Mir-Husseini, Vogt, Larsen, Moe (red.): Gender and Equality in Muslim Family Law: Justice and Ethics in the Islamic Legal Process, London and New York 2013: I.B. Tauris. Introduksjon og del 1.

*Saasallah, Sherin, “Muslim Feminism in the Third Wave: A Reflective Inquiry”, in Stacy Gillis and Gillian Howie, Third Wave Feminism, A Critical Exploration. New York 2004: Palgrave Macmillan, 216-226.

*Sheehi, Stephen: Towards a Critical Theory of al-Nah?a: Epistemology, Ideology and Capital. Journal of Arabic Literature, 2012, 43, 269-298.

*Tcha?cha, J.D. ; Arfaoui, K.: Tunisian Women in the Twenty-First Century: Past Achievements and Present Uncertainties in the Wake of the Jasmine Revolution. Journal of North African Studies, March 2012, 17:2, 215-238.

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Published July 11, 2014 3:07 PM