
* Artikler og b?ker som kan skaffes elektronisk via Bibsys. PS. Du m? v?re innlogget for ? kunne f? opp artiklene.

** Artikler og b?ker som blir gjort tilgjengelig elektronisk ved semesterstart.

Ammerman, Nancy T. (red.). Everyday religion. Observing modern religious lives. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2007: s. v-50, 69-243 (233 s.).

Duffy, John Charles & David J Howlett. Mormonism. The basics. Abingdon & New York: Routledge 2017 (188 s.)

Endsj?, Dag ?istein & Liv Ingeborg Lied. Det folk vil ha. Religion og popul?rkultur. Universitetsforlaget 2011 (250 s.).

**Eriksen, Anne & Anne Stensvold. Maria-kult og helgendyrkelse i moderne katolisisme. Pax 2002 (164 s.).

  • Kap. 1 ?Teoretiske betraktninger?, s. 9-41.
  • Kap. 5 ?Det helliges ansikt. Jomfru Maria i katolsk billedtradisjon?, s.117-39.
  • Kap. 7 ?Padre Pio. Skapelsen av en hellig mann?, s. 159-88.
  • Kap. 8 ?Medier, mirakler og maktkamp i Medjugorje?, s. 189-217.
  • Kap. 10 ?Lourdes. Skapelsen av et hellig sted?, s. 241-64.
  • Kap. 14 ?Den omvendte j?den?, s.338-63.

* Asad, Talal. ?Anthropological conceptions of religion. Reflections on Geertz?. Man. New Series 18:2 (1983): 237-59 (23 s.).

* Davidsen, Markus Altena ?Fiction-based religion. Conceptualising a new category against history-based religion and fandom.? Culture and religion: An international, interdisciplinary journal, 14:4 (2013): 378-95 (18 s.).

**Endsj?, Dag ?istein & Hanne R?islien. ?Relative steder, hellige steder?. Chaos. Dansk-norsk tidsskrift for religionshistoriske studier, vol. 35, 2001: 9-16.

* Fernández, Oscar & Roberto Cachán-Cruz. ?Religion in motion. Continuities and symbolic affinities in religion and sport?. Journal of Religion and Health 53:6 (2016): 1-13 (13 s.).

* Fineman, Martha Albertson. ?Our sacred institution. The ideal of the family in American law and society.? Utah Law Review 1993:2 (1993): 387-405 (19 s.).

* Herman, Jonathan R. ?The spiritual illusion. Constructive steps toward rectification and redescription.? Method and Theory in the Study of Religion 26 (2014): 159-82 (24 s.).

* Hjarvard, Stig. ?Mediatization and the changing authority of religion?. Media Culture Society 38:1 (2016): 8-17 (10 s.).

* L?vheim, Mia. ?Mediatisation of religion. A critical appraisal?. Culture and religion: An International, Interdisciplinary Journal 12:2 (2011): 153-166 (14 s.).

* L?vheim, Mia & Gordon Lynch. ?The mediatisation of religion debate. An introduction?. Culture and Religion. An International, Interdisciplinary Journal 12:2 (2011): 111-17

* Morgan, David. ?Mediation or mediatisation. The history of media in the study of religion.? Culture and Religion. An International, Interdisciplinary Journal 12:2 (2011): 137-52 (16 s.).

* Ortner, Sherry B. ?On key symbols?. American Anthropologist 75 (1973): 1338-46 (9 s.).

**Trepanier, Lee &  Lynita K. Newswander. ?Mormons in the American imagination? i Lee Trepanier &  Lynita K. Newswander. LDS in the USA. Mormonism and the making of American culture. Waco: Baylor University Press: 9-28 (20 s.).

Publisert 22. nov. 2017 14:32 - Sist endret 22. nov. 2017 14:32