
Faghistorie/ teori

*Joy, Morny: "Postcolonial and Gendered Reflections: Challenges for Religious Studies" i Ursula King and Tina Beattie (eds.) : Gender, Religion and Diversity; Cross-Cultural Perspectives, 2004. London: Continuum. S. 28 - 40.

* Mikaelsson, Lisbeth: "Homo religiosus - men only? Kj?nnsforskning i religionsvitenskapen" i Gihus, Ingvild S?lid og Lisbeth Mikaelsson: Nytt blikk p? religion, studiet av religion i dag, 2001. Oslo: Pax. Kap. 8 (23.s).

Moi, Toril: Hva er en kvinne? Kj?nn og kropp i feministisk teori, 2002. Gyldendal.

* Narayan, Uma: "Cross-Cultural Connections" i Dislocating Cultures, 1997. London: Routedge. S. 83-117, (35s.).

*Shaw, Rosalind: "Feminist Anthropology and the Gendering of Religious Studies" i Russell T. McCutcheon (ed.): The Insider / Outsider Problem in the Study of Religion, 1999. Cassell: London. S. 104 - 113 (10 s.).

Thorbj?rnsrud, Berit: "Innledning" i Evig din? Ekteskaps- og samlivstradisjoner i det flerreligi?se Norge, 2005. Oslo: Abstrakt. s. 7-33 (27 s.).

Historisk/ tematisk del

Religion i det gamle Midt?sten

¤Ackerman, Susan: "Asherah, the West Semitic Goddess of Spinning and Weaving", i: Journal of Near Eastern Studies , 67/1:1-29, 2008. ¤Artikkelen kan lastes ned fra nettet. Chicago Journals.

*Naguib, Saphinaz-Amal: "Det gammelegyptiske verdensbilde. Den ene og de mange", i Sigurd Hjelde og Inger Marie Ruud (red.): Enhet i mangfold? 100 ?r med religionshistorie i Norge, 1998. Oslo: Tano-Ascheoug. s. 46 - 61.

¤Teeter, Emily: "Inside the Temple: The Role and Function of Temple Singers", i Emily Teeter and Janeth H. Johnson (red.): The Life of Meresamun. A Temple Singer in Ancient Egypt, 2009. The Oriental Institute Publications nr. 29. The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago. s. 25 - 46, ¤Artikkelen kan lastes ned fra nettet. The Oriental Institute Publications.


Sered, Susan: Women as Ritual Experts: The Religious Lives of Elderly Jewish Women in Jerusalem, 1992. Oxford University Press.


Preston, Nora Stene, "Det Gud har sammenf?yd" i: Evig din? Ekteskaps- og samlivstradisjoner i det flerreligi?se Norge, 2005. Oslo, Abstrakt . (27 s.).

* Sky, Jeanette: "Faderen og hans s?nner. Perspektiver p? kj?nn i kristendommen" i Kj?nn og religion, 2007. Oslo: Pax. Kap. 2, s. 29 - 59 (30 s.).

* Thorbj?rnsrud, Berit: "Born in the Wrong Age: Coptic Women in a Changing Society" i Harder, Nelly van Doorn og Kari Vogt (red): Between Desert and City: The Coptic Orthodox Church Today , 1997. Oslo, Novus Forlag. S. 167 – 189, (23 s.) .

* Vogt, Kari: "Becoming Male: A Gnostic and Early Christian Metaphor" i B?rresen, Kari E.: Image of God and Gender Models, 2001. Oslo: Solum. S.172-187 (16 s.).


* Abu-Lughod, Lila: "The Romance of Resistance: Tracing Transformations of Power Through Bedouin Women" i American Ethnologist, American Anthropological Association 17 (1) , 1990. S. 41 - 55. (15 s.).

Mir-Hosseini, Ziba: Islam and Gender: The Religious Debate in Contemporary Iran, 1999. London: Princeton University Press . (279 s.) .


*Leslie, Julia: "Sri and Jyestha: Ambivalent Role Models for Women" in Julia Leslie (red.): Roles and Rituals for Hindu Women, 1991. Rutherford, Cranbury NJ: Farleigh Dickinson University Press. s. 107 - 126.

Narayan, Uma: "Restoring History and Politics to “Third-World Traditions”. Contrasting the Colonialist Stance and Contemporary Contestations of Sati" i Dislocating Cultures, 1997. Routledge. S. 41-81.

*Sangari, Kunkum and Sudesh Vaid: "Introduction" in Kunkum Sangari and Sudesh Vaid (red.): Recasting Women. Essays in Colonial History, 1990. Rutgers University Press: New Brunswick, New Jersey. s. 1 - 26.


*Gyatso, Janet og Hanna Havnevik: "Introduction" and Charlene Makley: "The Body of a Nun: Nunhood and Gender in Contemporary Amdo" in Janet Gyatso and Hanna Havnevik (red.): Women in Tibet, 2005. London: Hurst. s. 1 - 24, 259 - 285.

*Sponberg, Alan: "Attitudes toward Women and the Feminine in Early Buddhism" in José Ignacio Cabezon: Buddhism, Sexuality and Gender, 1992. Albany: Suny. s. 2 - 37.

Suggested further reading

*Bynum, Caroline Walker: "Introduction: The Complexity of Symbols" i : Gender and Religion, 1986. Boston: Beacon Press. S. 1 - 20.

Lukes, Steven Michael: Power: A Radical View, [1974] 2005 (2. ed.). Macmillan .

* Moore, Henrietta: Feminism and Anthropology, Cambridge 1988. Polity Press. Kapittel 1, 2, 6, s. 1 - 41, 187 - 198. (50 s.) .

Pearson, Anne M.: Because it Gives me Peace of Mind. Ritual Fasts in the Religious Life of Hindu Women, 1996. New York: State University of New York Press.

Rogers, Susan Carol: "Female Forms of Power and the Myth of Male Dominance: A Model of Female/Male Interaction in Peasant Society" i American Ethnologist no. 4, pp. 727-56, 1975. Artikkelen kan lastes ned fra JSTOR.

Schaeffer, Kurtis R.: Himalayan Hermitess; The Life of a Tibetan Buddhist Nun, 2004. New York: Oxford University Press.

* Scott, Joan W.: "Gender. A Useful Category of Historical Analysis" i: The American Historical Review, nr 91 (5), 1986. 1053 - 1075. (22 s.) .

Sherry Ortner: "Making Gender: Toward a Feminist, Minority, Postcolonial, Subaltern, etc., Theory of Practice" i Sherry Ortner: Making Gender; The Politics and Erotics of Culture, 1996. Beacon Press.

Stockett, Miranda and Pamela L. Geller: "Feminist Antrhopology: Perspectives on Our Past, Present and Future" i Geller, Pamela L. and Miranda K. Stockett: Feminist Anthropology: Past, Present, and Future, 2006. University of Pensylvania Press.

* I kompendium til salgs i Kopiutsalget. For ? handle i Kopiutsalget m? gyldig studentbevis medbringes. Kompendier kan ikke p?regnes ferdig f?r semesterstart.

Stockett, Miranda K og Pamela Geller : Feminist Anthropology: Perspectives on our Past, Present, and Future, 2006. University of Pennsylvania Press.

Holst, Cathrine: Hva er feminisme, 2009. Universitetsforlaget.

Leslie, Julia: "Suttee or Sati: Victim or Victor" i Leslie, Julia (red.) "Roles and Rituals for Hindu Women", 1991.

McGee, Mary: "Desired Fruits: Motive and Intention in the votive Rites of Hindu Women." i Leslie (red.) "Roles and Rituals for Hindu Women.", 1991.

Publisert 5. apr. 2011 09:29 - Sist endret 23. nov. 2011 17:38