
Pensumliste REL3020 Religion og politikk v?ren 2019
Brekke, Torkel (2011) Fundamentalism. Prophecy and Protest in and Age of Globalization. New York: Cambridge University Press (260 s.)
Brekke, Torkel (2016) Faithonomics: Religion and the Free Market. London: Hurst & Co (260 s.)
Dobbelaere, Karel (1999) “Towards an Integrated Perspective of the Processes Related to the Descriptive Concept of Secularization” Sociology of Religion, Vol 60, 2: s. 229-47 (17 s.)
Endsj?, D.?. “Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights and the religious relativism of human rights” Human Rights Review 6 (2005): 102-10 (9 s.)

Fox, Jonathan (2016) The Unfree Exercise of Religion. A world survey of discrimination against religious minorities. New York: Cambridge University Press. (200 s.)
Howe, R.S. Van J.S. Svoboda, J.G. Dwyer & C.P. Price. ?Involuntary circumcision. The legal issues?. British Journal of Urology International 83 (1999): 63-73 (11 s.).

Witte, John & M. Christian Green (red.) (2011) Religion and human rights. An introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press (360 s.).

Kompendium med menneskerettslige konvensjoner og rettspraksis (ca 100 s.). Blir gjort tilgjengelig p? Canvas.

Publisert 21. nov. 2018 22:50 - Sist endret 21. nov. 2018 22:50