
¤Abu-Jaber, Kamal S.: "The Millet system in the ninteenth-century Ottoman Empire": 10 sider. Artikkelen vil legges ut i Fronter.

Almond, Gabriel, R. Scott Appleby, and Emmanuel Sivan: Strong Religion - the rise of fundamentalism around the world., 2003. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 243 s.

Brekke, Torkel : Gud i norsk politikk, 2002. Oslo: Pax forlag. 150 s.

Bruce, Steve : Politics and Religion, 2003. Cambridge: Polity Press. 300 s.

*Huntington, Samuel : "A Clash of Civilizations?", 1993. Foreign Affairs Magazine, 72, no 3. s.22-49.. 27 s..

¤Lewis, Raphaela: "Everyday Life in Ottoman Turkey": s. 41 - 54. Artikkelen vil legges ut i Fronter.

Stensvold, Anne (red.): Western Balkans: The Religious Dimensions, 2009. Sypress, Oslo. s.7-90 og s.185-246. 122 s..

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Publisert 7. mai 2009 16:49 - Sist endret 18. sep. 2009 14:38