
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
25.01.2010Lecture: Hanna Havnevik ? Monday 08:15-10:00 Seminar room 10 P.A.Munch's House? Introduction to the field and theoretical issues related to the study of regional Buddhism ? Curriculum on theory and method and monographs. Students will be divided into groups according to choice of essay topic ?
01.02.2010Lecture: Hanna Havnevik ? Monday 08:15-10:00 Seminar room 10 P.A.Munch's House ? Theravada Buddhism in Sri Lanka ? Monograph on Theravada Buddhism (Gombrich and Obeyesekere: Buddhism Transformed) ?
08.02.2010Seminar: Hanna Havnevik ? Monday 08:15-10:00 Seminar room 10 P.A.Munch's House ? Theravada Buddhism in Sri Lanka ? Gombrich and Obeyesekere: Buddhism Transformed. Presentations by students as introduction to discussion (related to essay) ?
15.02.2010Lecture: Hanna Havnevik ? Monday 08:15-10:00 Seminar room 10 P.A.Munch's House ? Mahayana Buddhism in Tibet and the Himalayas ? Mahayana Buddhism. Goldstein and Kapstein: Buddhism in Contemporary Tibet ?
01.03.2010Seminar: Hanna Havnevik ? Monday 08:15-10:00 Seminar room 10 P.A.Munch's House ? Mahayana Buddhism in Tibet and the Himalayas ? Mahayana Buddhism. Presentations by students as introduction to discussion (related to essay) ?
08.03.2010Lecture: Hanna Havnevik ? Monday 08:15-10:00 Seminar room 10 P.A.Munch's House ? Theoretical issues and Theravada Buddhism ? The curriculum on theory and method and the Theravada monograph (Gombrich and Obeyesekere) ?
12.03.2010? ? ? Submission of draft of essay in Fronter within 15:00 PM ?
15.03.2010Seminar: Hanna Havnevik ? Monday 08:15-10:00 Seminar room 10 P.A.Munch's House ? Theoretical issues in the study of local Buddhist practice and belief – Theravada ? The curriculum on theory and method plus the Theravada monograph. Student presentations as introduction to discussion (related to essay) ?
19.04.2010Lecture: Hanna Havnevik ? Monday 08:15-10:00 Seminar room 10 P.A.Munch's House ? Theoretical issues and the study of local religious practice - Mahayana ? The curriculum on theory and method plus the monograph on Mahayana (Goldstein/Kapstein: Buddhism in Contemporary Tibet)Forelesningen ble avlyst pga sykdom. Forelesningen holdes 26.04 og erstatter seminaret denne datoen?
26.04.2010Seminar: Hanna Havnevik ? Monday 08:15-10:00 Seminar room 10 P.A.Munch's House ? Theoretical issues and the study of local religious practice - Mahayana ? The curriculum on theory and method plus the monograph on Mahayana (Goldstein/Kapstein.Student presentations as introduction to discussion (related to essay) ?
03.05.2010Seminar: Hanna Havnevik ? Monday 08:15-10:00 Seminar room 10 P.A.Munch's House ? Concluding discussion of course material: Theory and method & monographs on Theravada and Mahayana ? Articles on theory and method and the monographs Avlyst p? grunn av reise til Asia?
Published Jan. 8, 2010 5:33 PM - Last modified Apr. 21, 2010 3:06 PM