
Leselisten er retningsgivende for den kunnskapen som studenten forventes ? tilegne seg i l?pet av studiet.


Gombrich, Richard: Theravada Buddhism. A Social History from Ancient Benares to Modern Colombo, London 1988. Routledge and Kegan Paul. Kap. 6, 7 og 8, s 137 - 233. 96 s.

Gombrich, Richard and Gananath Obeyesekere: Buddhism Transformed: Religious Change in Sri Lanka, Princeton 1988. Princeton University Press. Kap. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 og 8. 224 s.

Carrithers, Michael: The Forest Monks of Sri Lanka. An Anthropological and Historical Study, Delhi 1983. Oxford University Press. 290 s.


* Bareja-Starzynska, Agata and Hanna Havnevik, i: Ole Bruun and Li Narangoa (eds): Mongols from Country to City: Floating Boundaries, Pastoralism & City Life in the Mongol Lands, 2004. NIAS Press. ISBN:?87-91114-41-1. "A Preliminary Survey of Buddhism in Present-day Mongolia". 24 s.

Goldstein, Melvyn C. and Matthew T. Kapstein: Buddhism in Contemporary Tibet: Religious Revival and Cultural Identity, Berkeley / Los Angeles 1998. University of California Press. 200 s.

Schwartz, Ronald D: Circle of Protest: Political Ritual in the Tibetan Uprising, London 1994. Hurst. 263 s.

* Barnett, Robert and Shirin Akiner (eds.): Resistance and Reform in Tibet, London 1994. Hurst. To artikler:.

  • Karmay, Samten G.: "Mountain Cults and National Identity in Tibet", s 112 - 121. 9 s.
  • Kv?rne, Per: "The Ideological Impact on Tibetan Art", s 166 - 186. 20 s.

* Lewis, Todd T., i: Stephen D. Glazier (ed): Anthropology of Religion: A Handbook, Westport, Conneticut 1997. Praeger. "Buddhist Communities: Historical Precedents and Ethnographic Paradigms", s 319 - 369. 50 s.

* Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford, 21:2 1990. To artikler:.

  • Gellner, David N. Monk: "Introduction: What is the Anthropology of Buddhism About?", s 95 - 112. 17 s.
  • Ramble, C.: "How Buddhist are Buddhist communities? The construction of tradition in two lamaist villages", s 185 - 197. 12 s.

* Karmay, Samten and Philippe Sagant: Les habitants du Toit du monde, Nanterre 1997. Société d'ethnologie. To artikler:.

  • Huber, Toni: "Ritual and Politics in the Eastern Himalaya: the staging of processions at Tsari", s 221 - 261. 49 s.
  • Diemberger, Hildegard and Guntram Hazod: "Animal Sacrifices and Mountain Deities in Southern Tibet", s 261 - 283. 22 s.

* McKay, Alex (ed.): Pilgrimage in Tibet, Richmond, Surrey 1998. Curzon. To artikler:.

  • Buffetrille, Katia: "Reflections on Pilgrimages to Sacred Mountains, Lakes and Caves", s 18 - 34. 17 s.
  • Havnevik, Hanna: "On Pilgrimage for Forty Years in the Himalayas. The Female Lama Jetsun Lochen Rinpoche's (1865 - 1951) Quest for Sacred Sites", s 85 - 107. 23 s.

* Huber, Toni, i: Amdo Tibetans in Transition. Society and Culture in the Post-Mao Era, Leiden 2002. Brill. "Ritual Revival and Innovation at Bird Cemetery Mountain", s 113 - 145. 33 s.

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Published Mar. 6, 2005 2:15 PM