Syllabus/achievement requirements


Hallaq, Wael B.: Origins and Evolution of Islamic Law, 2005. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. (pp.224).

Schacht, Joseph: Introduction to Islamic Law, Oxford University Press. pp.112 -214.


*Al-Hibri, Azizah: "Marriage Laws in Muslim Countries: A Comparative Study of Certain Egyptian, Syrian, Morrocan, and Tunisian Marriage Laws" in International Review of Comparative Public Politcy, 1992, Vol.4, pp.227-244.

*Alwani, Taha J. al: "The Crisis in Fiqh and the Methodology of Ijtihad" in The American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, 1991, Vol.8, no.2, pp.317-337.

*El Fadl, Khaled Abou: "Islamic Law and Muslim Minorities: the Jusristic Discourse on Muslim Minorities from the Second/Eight to the Eleventh/Seventeenth Centuries" in Islamic Law and Society, 1994, Vol.1, Leiden: E.J.Brill. pp.141-187.

*Hallaq, Wael B: "Juristic Authority vs. State Power" in Journal of Law and Religion, vol.19, no.2, 2003-2004. pp.243-258.

*Karcic, Fikret: "Applying the Sharia in Moderen Societies: Main Developments and Issues" in Islamic Studies, 2001, Vol.40, no.2, pp.207-226.

*Kamali, Muhammad Hashim: "Fiqh and Adaption to Social Reality" in The Muslim World, vol.LXXXVI, no.1, January 1996. Hartford, Conn., USA. pp.62-83.

*Kamali, Mohammed Hashim: Punishment in islamic Law: A Critique of the Hudud Bill of Kalantan. Malaysia, (25 sider).

*Kamali, Muhammad Hashim: "Source, Nature and Objectives of Shari'ah" in The Islamic Quaterly (London), vol XXXIII, no.4, 1989. pp.215-235.

*Lewis, Bernard: "Legal and Historical Reflections on the Position of Muslim Populations under non-Muslim Rule" in Journal of the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs (JIMMA), vol.13, no.1, 1992. pp.1-15.

*Mallat, Chibli: "The Debate on Riba and Interest in Twentieth Century Jurisprudence" in Chibli Mallat (ed.): Islamc Law and Finance, 1988. London, Dordrecht, Boston: Graham & Trotman. pp.69-88.

*Masud, Khalid: "Muftis, Fatwas and Islamic Legal Interpretation" in Islamic Legal Interpretations. Muftis and their Fatwas, 1996. Cambridge, MA and London: Harvard University Press. pp.3-32.

*Safi, Louay Mounir: "Islamic Law and Society" in The American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, vol.7, no.2, September 1990. pp.177-191.

* These texts are for sale at the copy outlet in the book store Akademika.


The Oxford Encyclopedia of Modern Islamic World, Articles: Mosque (Masjid), Madrasa, Waqf, Ulama.

Published Apr. 24, 2007 7:01 PM - Last modified June 5, 2007 1:03 PM