
Leselisten er retningsgivende for kunnskapen som studenten forventes ? tilegne seg i l?pet av studiet.

Faghistorie/ teori

** Abu-Lughod, Lila: The Romance of Resistance: Tracing Transformations of Power Through Bedouin Women, i American Ethnologist, American Anthropological Association 17 (1) 1990, ss 41 - 55.

* Hawley, John Stratton (red): Fundamentalism and Gender, New York 1994. Oxford University Press. 2 artikler, spesifisert under.

* Brown, Karen McCarthy: "Fundamentalism and the Control of Women", s 175 - 203. 28 s.

* Hawley, John S. and Wayne Proudfoot: "Introduction", s 3 - 44. 41 s.

Jushka, Darlene M. (red): Feminism in the Study of Religion: A Reader, London and New York 2001. Continuum. Tre artikler, spesifisert under.

Delphy, Christine: "Rethinking Sex and Gender", s 411 - 427. 16 s.

Maynard Mary: "Beyond the 'Big Three': The Development of Feminist Theory into the ", s 292 -313. 21 s.

Maynard, Mary: ""Race", Gender, and the Concept of "Difference" in Feminist Thought", s 434 - 451. 21 s.

* King, Ursula (red): Religion and Gender, Oxford 1995. Blackwell. Kapittel: "Introduction: Gender and the Study of Religion", s 1 - 38. 38 s.

* Moore, Henrietta: Feminism and Anthropology, Cambridge 1988. Polity Press. Kapittel 1, 2, 6, s 1 - 41, 187 - 198. 50 s.

* Scott, Joan W.: Gender. A Useful Category of Historical Analysis, i The American Historical Review, nr 91 (5), 1986: 1053 - 1075. 22 s.

Historisk del


Kinsley, David: The Goddesses' Mirror: Visions of the Divine from East and West, Albany 1989. State University of New York Press. s 139 - 214. 75 s.


Sered, Susan Starr: Women as Ritual Experts: The Religious Lives of Elderly Jewish Women in Jerusalem, 1992. Oxford University Press. s 1 - 169. 170 s.


* Moore, R.L. and F.R. Reynolds (red): Anthropology and the Study of Religion, Chicago 1984. Center for the Scientific Study of Religion. Artikkel: Buynum, Caroline: "Women's Stories, Women's Symbols: A Critique of Victor Turner's Theory of Limenality", s 105 - 125. 25 s.

* Ruud, Inger Marie og Sigurd Hjelde (red): Enhet i mangfold? 100 ?r med religionshistorie i Norge, Oslo 1998. Tano Aschehoug. Artikkel: B?rresen, Kari Elisabeth: "Kj?nn og religion", s 220 - 238. 13 s.

* Rodén, Marie-Louise (red): Ab aquilone. Nordic Studies in Honour and Memory of Leonard E. Boyle O.P., Stockholm 1999. Suecoromana 6. Artikkel: B?rresen, Kari Elisabeth: "Religious Feminism and Female Godlanguage: From Hildegard von Bingen to Thérsè de Lisieux", s 197 - 222. 25 s.

* Harder, Nelly van Doorn og Kari Vogt (red): Between Desert and City: The Coptic Orthodox Church Today, Oslo 1997. Novus Forlag. Artikkel: Thorbj?rnsrud, Berit: "Born in the Wrong Age: Coptic Women in a Changing Society", s 167 - 189. 23 s.


Mir-Hosseini, Ziba: Islam and Gender: The Religious Debate in Contemporary Iran, London 1999. Princeton University Press. s 1 - 304. 304 s.


Havnevik, Hanna: Tibetan Buddhist Nuns: History, Cultural Norms and Social Reality, Oslo 1989. Universitetsforlaget. 248 s.


* Leslie, Julia (red): Roles and Rituals for Hindu Women, Rutherford 1991. Farleigh Dickinson University Press. To artikler, spesifisert under.

* McGee, Mary: "Desired Fruits: Motive and Intention in the Votive Rites of Hindu Women", s 71 - 89. 18 s.

* Leslie, Julia: "Suttee or Sati: Victim or Victor?", s 173 - 193. 20 s.

* Wadley, Susan: Women in India: Two Perspectives, 1992. South Asia Publications. Kapittel: "Women and the Hindu Tradition", s 111 - 137. 26 s.

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Publisert 6. mars 2005 14:11