PER1120 – Persian Language 2

Course content

This course develops basic communication and literacy skills in modern Persian. Students will continue to develop linguistic competence through a curriculum that builds upon the vocabulary and grammar introduced in PER1110 - Persian Language 1. The course follows a thematically organized and integrative approach to Persian language and culture.

Learning outcome

By the end of the semester, successful students will be able to

  • Recognize and produce all major grammatical structures in modern Persian including verb tenses.
  • Speak and write on a number of basic topics related to themselves, their surroundings, daily life, recreation, travel, and so on.
  • Read and comprehend passages from simple but authentic texts from the Persian-speaking world. Such texts might include instructions, encyclopedia entries, reports, film and theater scripts, and short stories among others.
  • Recognize varieties in registers of modern Persian, including distinctions between written and spoken forms of the language. Students will be able to write and speak in registers appropriate for a variety of social contexts.
  • Use their linguistic competence to continue learning Persian at higher levels, through both additional language study at Persian language institutions and through reading more advanced texts with the assistance of dictionaries and other reference materials.


Students who are admitted to study programmes at UiO must each semester register which courses and exams they wish to sign up for in Studentweb.

If you are not already enrolled as a student at UiO, please see our information about admission requirements and procedures.


Formal prerequisite knowledge

You must have passed the exam in PER1110 to take this course.


Three 2-hour seminars are given per week. The primary languages of instruction will be Persian and English. While every attempt will be made to conduct lectures and communicative activities entirely in Persian, students will also be expected to translate between Persian and English, both in writing and orally, to demonstrate mastery of Persian linguistic structures.

Mandatory tuition activities

  • Two written assigments: There will be two compulsory written assignments over the course of the semester. Students must type both assignments and submit them directly on Canvas. A passing grade is required on both assignments in order to be eligible for the exam.
  • Attendance: Students must attend at least 70% of lectures.

All compulsory activities must be approved in order to qualify for the exam. It is the student’s responsibility to check whether or not the compulsory activities are approved. This is how you apply for valid absence from compulsory activities/compulsory attendance.


The written 4-hour exam will be handwritten and must be completed without aids like dictionaries or other translation devices. The four hour exam will require students to:

  • Answer questions related to grammar and vocabulary
  • Read a Persian text and answer questions in Persian demonstrating general comprehension of the text in question.
  • Write a short essay (approximately 250 words) on a topic provided on the day of the exam.

The course will also include an oral exam. For the oral exam, students will be required to hold a simple conversation in Persian on a topic that they have not prepared beforehand. In addition, students may be asked to discuss one of the readings assigned in the textbook.

The written and oral exams will each constitute 50% of the final grade in the course. Students must receive a passing grade on both the written and the oral exam in order to pass the course.  

Grading guidelines written exam 2019

Grading scale

Grades are awarded on a scale from A to F, where A is the best grade and F is a fail. Read more about the grading system.

Explanations and appeals

Resit an examination