Syllabus/achievement requirements


Anne Eriksen: Museum. En kulturhistorie.

Andrew McClellan: The Art Museum from Boullé to Bilbao

Artikler (med forbehold om endringer) 

Adamopoulou Areti & Esther Solomon. 2016. “Artists-as-Curators in Museums: Observations on Contemporary Wunderkammern.” THEMA. La Revue Des Musées de La Civilisation. p.35-49. 14s

*Alberro, Alexander. ”Institutions, Critique, and Institutional Critique”, i Alberro og Stimson (red.) Institutional Critique an Anthology of Artists’ Writings, 2009, s. 2–19.

Arvanitis, Kostas, and Louise Tythacott (eds) 2014. ‘Introduction’, Museums and Restitution: New Practices, New Approaches. Farnham: Ashgate. Pp.1-18.

Bencard, Adam. “Presence in the Museum. On metonymies, discontinuity and history without histories”. Museum & Society. 12, 1, 2014, 29–43.

Bennett, Tony. ”The Exhibitionary Complex”, i New Formations, 4, Spring 1988

*Brenna, Brita. ”Halvannen tekopp av kokosn?ttskall”. Agora, 3, 2006, 32–52.

Cameron, Hodge og Salazar (2013), Representing climate change in museum space and places, WIREs Climate Change, 4, 9-21. DOI:10.1002/wcc.200.

*Clifford, James. ”Museums as Contact Zones”, i Routes. Travel and Translation in the Late Twentieth Century. 1997, 188–219.

*Mordhorst, Camilla. ?Museer, materialitet og tilstedev?r?, i Tine Damsholt, Dorthe Gert Simonsen og Camilla Mordhorst (red.). Materialiseringer. Nye perspektiver p? materialitet og kulturanalyse. Aarhus: Aarhus universitetsforlag 2009, s. 117–142

*Deepwell, Katy. “Feminist Curatorial Strategies and Practices since the 1970s”, i  Janet Marstine (red.) New Museum Theory and Practice.Malden: Blackwell Publishing 2006, 64– 80.


Dorrian, Mark. ?Museum Atmospheres: Notes on Aura, Distance and Affect.” The Journal of Architecture 19 (2), 2014, s. 187-201.

Dudley, Sandra. “Encountering a Chinese horse. Engaging with the thingness of things”, i Dudley (red.). Museum Objects. Experiencing the Properties of Things. London og New York: Routledge, 2012, s. 1-15.

*Eriksen, Anne. ”Museet og tingene. Fremvisning og usynliggj?ring”, i Eriksen, Anne, Mia G?ran og Ragnhild Evang Reinton (red.), Tingenes tilsynekomster. Kulturproduksjon, materialitet og estetikk. Oslo: Novus forlag, 2013, s. 169–192.

Findlen, Paula. "The Museum: Its Classical Etymology and Renaissance Genealogy." Journal of the History of Collections, 1, 1989, 59–79. Fulltekst:

*Fraser, Andrea. ”From the Critique of Institutions to an Institution of Critique”, i Alberro og Stimson (red.) Institutional Critique an Anthology of Artists’ Writings, 2009, s. 408–417.

*Gjestrum, John Aage og Marc Maure (red.): ?komuseumsboka – identitet, ?kologi, deltakelse, Norsk ICOM, Troms? 1988, s.1–40.

Haraway, Donna. ”Teddy Bear Patriarchy: Taxidermy in the Garden of Eden, New York City, 1908–1936”. Social Text , nr. 11, Winter 1984/85. Fulltekst.


Janes, Robert R., og Richard Sandell (red.). “Posterity has arrived”, i Museum Activism. Routledge, 2019, s. 1-22.


*Kreps, Christina F. ”Non-Western Models of Museums and Curation in Cross-cultural Perspective”, i Sharon Macdonald (red.), A Companion to Museum Studies. Malden: Blackwell Publishing 2006, s. 457–472.


Krmpotich, Cara og Laura Peers. “The scholar-practitioner expanded: an indigenous and museum research network.” Museum Management and Curatorship, Vol. 26, No. 5, 2011, s. 421-440.

*Moser, Stephanie. "The devil is in the detail: How museum displays create knowledge." I: Museum Anthropology 33(1), 2010, s. 22-32

Olsen, Bj?rnar. ”Momenter til et forsvar av tingene”. Nordisk museologi, 2004, 2, 25–36. Hele nummeret ligger samlet elektronisk, bla fram til riktig artikkel. Fulltekst.

Robin, L., Avango, D., Keogh, L., M?llers, N. and Trischler, H. (2017). “Displaying the Anthropocene in and beyond museums”. In J. Newell, L. Robin and K. Wehner (Eds.), Curating the future: Museums, communities and climate change (pp. 252–266). New York: Routledge.


*Vergo, Peter. ”Introduction”, i Peter Vergo (red.), The New Museology. London: Reaktion Books, 1989, 1–5.

*Vogel, Susan. “Always True to the Object, in Our Fashion”, i Karp, Ivan og Lavine, Steven D. (red.), Exhibiting Cultures. The Poetics and Politics of Museum Display. London og New York: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1991, s. 191–204.
Witcomb, Andrea, and Message, Kylie. 2015. “Introduction. Museum Theory. An Expanded Field.” In Museum Theory. The International Handbooks of Museum Studies, edited by edited by Sharon Macdonald and Helen Rees Leahy, 1 :xxxvi–lxiii. PDF

Yaneva, Albena. 2003. "When a bus met a museum: following artists, curators and workers in art installation". Museum and Society 1: 116-26

Published July 1, 2020 8:36 AM - Last modified Aug. 24, 2020 12:45 PM