# Kj?pes som b?ker (hos Akademika)
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Alle bidrag som kommer i kompendium er merket med "komp." og kan kj?pes i kopiutsalget hos Akademika ved semesterstart.
## Auty R.M.,"How Natural Resources Affect Economic Development", i : Development Policy Review, 2000. vol. 18, s. 347-364 (17s.). http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/toc/dpr/18/4.
## Barnes, Joe & Myers Jaffe, Amy: "The Persian Gulf and the geopolitics of oil": Survival, 2006, vol. 48, nr. 1. s. 142-162 (19s). http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/content?content=10.1080/00396330600594348.
## Bellin, Eva: "Contingent democrats : industrialists, labor, and democratization in late-developing countries" i: World Politics, 2000, vol. 52, nr. 2. s. 175-205 (30s). http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/world_politics/v052/52.2bellin.html.
## Bjorvatn, K. and K. Selvik: "Destructive competition: Factionalism and rent-seeking in Iran": Discussion Paper SAM 8/2007, 2007. , Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration. s. 1-20 (20s.) . http://www.nhh.no/sam/res-publ/2007/08.pdf.
## Brumberg, D. & A. Ahram: The National Iranian OIl Company in Iranian Politics, 2007. James Bakes III Institute, Rice University . s. 1-61.. http://www.rice.edu/energy/publications/docs/NOCs/Papers/NIOC_Brumberg-Ahram.pdf.
## Gause, Gregory F. : Oil Monarchies. Domestic and Security Challenges in the Arab Gulf, 1994. New York: Coucil on Foreign Relations Press. kap. 1-5 (145s). http://www.arts.mcgill.ca/programs/icas/gause/gausetoc.html.
# Henry, C. M & Springborg, R.: Globalization and the Politics of Development in the Middle East, 2001. Cambridge University Press. s. 1-102, 130-133, 168-171, 178-193, 212-217, 223-229 (133s).
## Herb, M.: "Introduction" i: All in the Family: Absolutism, Revolution and Democracy in the Middle Eastern Monarchies, 1999. State University of New York Press, New York. s. 1-19 (19s.) . http://www2.gsu.edu/~polmfh/aitf01.pdf.
## Herb, M: "No Representation without Taxation? Rents, Development and Democracy" i : Comparative Politics, vol. 37, nr. 3, 2005. s. 297-317 (20s.) . http://www2.gsu.edu/~polmfh/herb_rentier_state.pdf.
## Hertog, Steffen: "The GCC and Arab Economic Integration: A New Paradigm" i : Middle East Policy, vol. 14, nr. 1, 2007. s. 52-68 (16s.). http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/toc/mepo/14/1.
Luciani, G.: "Oil and Political Economy in the International Relations of the Middle East", i Fawcett, L. (ed): International Relations of the Middle East, 2005. Oxford University Press. s. 79-104 (25s.) Komp.
# Maugeri, Leonardo: The Age of Oil: The Mythology, History, and Future of the World’s Most Controversial Resource, 2008 (paperback). The Lyons Press.
Niblock, Tim: "Saudi Arabia's Economy: the Challenge of Reform" i Aarts, Paul & Gerd Nonneman (red): Saudi Arabia in the Balance: Political Economy, Society, Foreign Affairs, 2005. London: Hurst & Company. s. 85-110 (25s.) Komp.
## Nonneman, Gerd: "Political Reform in the Gulf Monarchies: From Liberalization to Democratization?. A Comparative Perspective" i : Sir William Luce Fellowship paper nr. 6, 2006. s. 1-37 (37s.). http://eprints.dur.ac.uk/archive/00000222/01/NonnemanV3.pdf.
Ross, Michael L.: "Does Oil Hinder Democracy?" i: World Politics, 2001. s. 325-361 (36s) Komp.
##Visser, Reidar: 'The Great Game of Iraq's Southern Oil': NUPI Working Paper , 723, 2007. 15s,. http://english.nupi.no/publikasjoner/notater/2007/basra_crude_the_great_game_of_iraq_s_southern_oil.