
# Kj?pes som b?ker (hos Akademika)

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Alle bidrag som kommer i kopisamling er merket med "kopisaml." og kan kj?pes i kopiutsalget hos Akademika ved semesterstart.


Eickelman, D. F. (2002). The Middle East and Central Asia (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Kap 6, 7, og 8. Kapittel 9 g?r ut. Boken er utsolgt fra forlaget. Kapitlene 6, 7 og 8 er n? bestilt som eget kompendium som er kalt "M?NA2504 Kultur og samfunn i Midt?sten - Kompendium"

# Abu-Lughod, Lila. 1999. Veiled sentiments : honor and poetry in a Bedouin society. Berkeley, Calif.: University of California Press. Hele boka. (255 s.)

# White. Jenny B. 2002. Islamist mobilization in Turkey: a study in vernacular politics. Seattle, Calif.: University of Washington Press. Hele boka (276 s.)

Kj?nn og patriarki

Mernissi, Fatima. 1975. The Muslim Concept of Active Female Sexuality. I Beyond the veil: male-female dynamics in a modern Muslim society. Cam?bridge, Mass: Schenkman.27-45 (20 s.). Kopisaml.

Sharabi, Hisham. 1988. The Social Formation of Neopatriarchy og The Structure and Relations of Neopatriarchy. I Neopatriarchy. A Theory of Distorted Change in Arab Society. New York: Oxford University Press. 26-48 (18 s.). Kopisaml.

## Mahmod, Saba. 2001. Feminist theory, embodiment, and the docile agent: Some reflections on the Egyptian Islamic revival. Cultural Anthropology. Volume 16. Issue 2. May 2001, 202-236 (34 s.).

## Joseph, Suad (1996) 'Patriarchy and development in the Arab world', Gender & Development, 4: 2, 14—19 (6 s.).

?re og vold

Mojab, Shahrzad. 2004. The Particularity of ”Honour” and the Universality of ”Killing”. I: Mojab and Abdo (red.) Violence in the Name of Honour: Theoretical and Political Challenges. Istanbul: Bilgi University Press. 15-37 (23 s.) Kopisaml.

## Kressel, G. M. 1981 Sororicide/filiacide: homicide for family honour. Curr. Anthrop. 22, 141-58 (17 s.)

## Dodd, Peter C. 1973. "Family Honour and the Forces of Change in Arab Society". International Journal of Middle East Studies. 4:40-54 (14 s.)

Delaney, Carol, 1987. Seeds of honor, fields of shame. In: Gilmore, David D. Editor, 1987. Honor and shame and the unity of Mediterranean, American Anthropological Association, Washington, D.C., pp. 335–348 (14 s.). Kopisaml.

Politisk kultur

Farraj, A. (1977) "The wastah among Jordanian villagers," in E. Gellner and J. Waterbury (eds.) Patrons and Clients in Mediterranean Societies. London: Duckworth. 225-238 (13 s.). Kopisaml.

## A. Nizar Hamzeh, ‘Clientelism, Lebanon: Roots and Trends’, Middle Eastern Studies 37, 2001, pp 167–178 (21 s.)

Weir, Sheilagh. 2007. Enforcing the law. Kap. I A Tribal Order. Politics and Law in the Mountains of Yemen.. Austin: University of Texas Press. 167-189 (23 s.). Kopisaml.

## Bayat, Asef. 2002. “Activism and Social Development in the Middle East.” I International Journal of Middle East Studies. 34 (1):1-28 (28 s).

## Lang, Sharon. 2002. Sulha Peacemaking and the Politics of Persuasion. Journal of Palestine Studies 31 (123): 52-66 (14 s.).

Tuastad, Dag. 1997. ”The Political Role of Football for Palestinians in Jordan”. I Gary Armstrong and Richard Giulianotti, ed. Entering the Field. New Perspectives on World Football. Oxford: Berg Publishers. Side 105 - 122 (17 s.). Kopisaml.

Publisert 8. apr. 2010 16:02 - Sist endret 24. aug. 2010 13:32