
M?NA2503 - Modern Turkey: Politics, Cultures, People



Week 1: 29 August

Introduction to the course

“Introduction” in Carter V Findley Turkey, Islam, nationalism, and modernity : a history, 1789-2007 New Haven, CT ; London : Yale University Press, 2010, 1-22.


In class: watch The Incredible Turk (1958)

Discuss: Turkey is a bridge between East and West.


Week 2: 5 September

Ottoman Reform

Carter V Findley Turkey, Islam, nationalism, and modernity: a history, 1789-2007 New Haven, CT & London: Yale University Press, 2010, pp. 23-132.


Week 3: 12 September

Abdülhamid II and the Young Turks

Carter V Findley Turkey, Islam, nationalism, and modernity : a history, 1789-2007 New Haven, CT ; London : Yale University Press, 2010, 133-191.

Makdisi, Ussama. 2002. "Ottoman Orientalism."  The American Historical Review 107 (3): 768-796.

Hasan Kayal?, “The Young Turks and the Committee of Union and Progress,” pp. 26-34, in Metin Heper and Sabri Sayar?, eds. The Routledge Handbook of Modern Turkey (London, New York: Routledge, 2012).


Assignment: Reflection paper on Makdisi's article Ottoman Orientalism.


Week 4: 19 September

Dissolution of the Empire, Genocide and the War of Independence

Carter V Findley Turkey, Islam, nationalism, and modernity: a history, 1789-2007 New Haven, CT & London : Yale University Press, 2010, 192-246.

Aksakal, Mustafa. "Not ‘by those old books of international law, but only by war’: Ottoman Intellectuals on the Eve of the Great War." Diplomacy & Statecraft 15, no. 3 (2004): 507-44.

Ak?am, Taner. A Shameful Act. The Armenian Genocide and the Question of Turkish Responsibility.  London: Constable, 2006. Preface, ix-xxiii

Dadrian, Vahakn D. 1997. “The Turkish Military Tribunal’s Prosecution of the Authors of the Armenian Genocide: Four Major Court-Martial Series.” Holocaust and Genocide Studies 11(1): 28–59.



Einar Wigen ‘,”Landsmann, snakk tyrkisk!” – om tyrkere, Tyrkia-boere og s?kalte landsmenn” [Citizen, Speak Turkish! On Turks, Turkey-residents and so-called citizens] Babylon: Nordic Journal of Middle Eastern Studies Vol. 9 No. 2 (2011): 36-47.



Week 5: 26 September

The Kemalist State

Carter V Findley Turkey, Islam, nationalism, and modernity : a history, 1789-2007 New Haven, CT ; London : Yale University Press, 2010, 247-304.

Taha Parla & Andrew Davison Corporatist Ideology in Kemalist Turkey, 143-243.


Task: Watch at home the documentary “Mustafa” (directed by Can Du?ndar, 2008), (in Turkish), (with English subtitles)


Week 6: 3 October

From Mono-Party State to Populist Democracy

Carter V Findley Turkey, Islam, nationalism, and modernity : a history, 1789-2007. New Haven, CT & London : Yale University Press, 2010, 305-349.

Kasaba, Re?at. 1993. “Populism and Democracy in Turkey, 1946-1961.” In Rules and Rights in the Middle East, eds. Ellis Goldberg, Re?at Kasaba, and Joel S. Migdal. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 43–68.

Co?, K?van?, and P?nar Bilgin. "Stalin’s Demands: Constructions of the “Soviet Other” in Turkey’s Foreign Policy, 1919–1945." Foreign Policy Analysis 6, no. 1 (2010): 43–60.


Week 7: 10 October

Democracy, coups and stability

Carter V Findley Turkey, Islam, nationalism, and modernity: a history, 1789-2007 New Haven, CT ; London : Yale University Press, 2010, 350-422.

Bilgin, P?nar. "”Only Strong States Can Survive in Turkey’s Geography” The Uses of ’Geopolitical Truths’ in Turkey." Political Geography 26, no. 7 (2007): 740–56.


Week 8: 17 October

Turkish foreign policy

Bülent Aras, “The Davutoglu Era in Turkish Foreign Policy.” Insight Turkey, 11(3). 2009. 127-142

Ahmet Davutoglu, “Turkey’s Zero-Problems Foreign Policy.” Foreign Policy, May 20, 2010. 

Gunter, Michael M. 2013. “Iraq, Syria, ISIS and the Kurds: Geostrategic Concerns for the U.S. and Turkey.” Middle East Policy 22(1): 102–11.

Tu?al, Cihan. The Fall of the Turkish Model: How the Arab Uprisings Brought Down Islamic Liberalism. 1-32.


Revisit Co? & Bilgin 2010 and Bilgin 2007.


Week 9 (24 October)


Assignment: Submit proposal for final paper


Week 10 (31 October)

Political Islam in Turkey

Hakan Yavuz (2002) Islamic Political Identity in Turkey, pp. 4-35

Mardin, ?erif. "Turkish Islamic Exceptionalism Yesterday and Today: Continuity, Rupture and Reconstruction in Operational Codes." Turkish Studies 6, no. 2 (2005): 145-65.

Yavuz, M. Hakan. Toward an Islamic Enlightenment. The Gülen Movement.  New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2013, 47-129.


Assignment: Reflection paper on Mardin's Turkish Islamic Exceptionalism.


Week 11 (7 November):

Turkey under the AK Party

Tu?al, Cihan. The Fall of the Turkish Model: How the Arab Uprisings Brought Down Islamic Liberalism. 235-284.

Tezcür, Güne? Murat. 2009. “Judicial Activism in Perilous Times: The Turkish Case.” Law & Society Review 43(2): 305–36. 

I?s?z, Asl?. 2014. “Brand Turkey and the Gezi Protests: Authoritarianism in Flux, Law and Neoliberalism.” In The Making of a Protest Movement in Turkey: #occupygezi, ed. Umut ?zk?r?ml?. Houndmills,  Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, 25–49.



Einar Wigen ‘Tyrkias “demokratiske ?pning” etter den Gezi-protestene’ [Turkey’s “Democratic Opening” after the Gezi Protests] Babylon: Tidsskrift for midt?stenstudier, Vol. 11 No. 2 (2013): 20-33.

Published May 23, 2016 5:53 PM - Last modified Aug. 29, 2016 6:15 PM