*Kj?pes som b?ker hos Akademika. Det ?vrige pensumet selges som kompendium i kopiutsalget, Akademika.
Dekmejian, R. Hrair: The Rise of Political Islamism in Saudi Arabia, 1994. Middle East Journal, vol. 48, no. 4, s. 627-643 . (17s.).
*Eickelman, Dale F. & Piscatori, James: Muslim Politics, 1996. Princeton University Press. (164s.).
Esposito, J. & Burgat, F. (Red.): Modernizing Islam: Religion in the Public Sphere in the Middle East and Europe, 2002. Rutgers University Press. Utvik, Bj?rn Olav: Kapittel 2: The Modernizing Force of Islamism (35s.).
Kechichian, Joseph A.: The Role of the Ulama in The Politics of an Islamic State: The Case of Saudi Arabia, Feb. 1986. The International Journal of Middle Eastern Studies. s. 53-71 (18s.).
*Kepel, Gilles: Jihad: The Trail of Political Islam, 2002. I.B. Tauris. Hele boka untatt kapittel 8 og 10 (337s.).
Hooglund, E. (Red.): Twenty Years of Islamic Revolution, 2002. Syracuse University Press. Moslem, M. Kapittel 2: The State and Factional Politics in the Islamic Republic of Iran.
*Mayer, Ann Elizabeth: Islam and Human Rights: Tradition and Politics, 1999. Westview Press. s. 27-36 og 36-174 (120s.).
*Rahnema, Ali (Red.): Pioneers of Islamic Revival, 1994. Zed Books. (272s.).
Shahin, Emad: Political Ascent, 1998. Westview Press. Kapittel 1: Islam in State and Politics (40s.).
Sum Pensum 994 sider.