
M?NA 1505 Pensum V?ren 2018

Kj?pes p? Akademika:


Anderson, Betty. A History of the Modern Middle East: Rulers, Rebels, and Rogues. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2016. (451/520)

Gelvin, James. The Israel-Palestine Conflict: One Hundred Years of War. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007. (296)


Tilgjengelig via biblioteket eller p? Fronter:


El-Ghobashi, Mona: “The Metamorphosis of the Egyptian Muslim Brothers”, International Journal of Middle East Studies, 37 (3) s. 373-395.

Brynjar Lia (1998). The Society of the Muslim Brothers in Egypt: The Rise of an Islamic Mass Movement, 1928-1942. Reading: Ithaca Press, chapter 7-9. (70 sider). [Tilgjengelig p? Fronter].

Brown, Nathan J. “Law and Imperialism: Egypt in Comparative Perspective.” Law and Society Review 29, no. 1 (1995): 103–26.

Luciani, Giacomo: “Oil and Political Economy in the International Relations of the Middle East”, i Fawcett, L. (ed): International Relations of the Middle East, 2005. Oxford University Press. s. 79-104 (25s.) [Tilgjengelig p? Fronter]

Utvik, Bj?rn Olav, Islamismen, Oslo: Unipub, 2011. Kap 5 (31s). [Tilgjengelig p? Fronter]

Kienle, Eberhard, “More than a Response to Islamism: The Political Deliberalization of Egypt in the 1990s”, Middle East Journal, 52:2 (Spring, 1998), pp. 219-235 (16s.)

Kogacioglu, Dicle. 2004. “Progress, Unity, and Democracy: Dissolving Political Parties in Turkey.” Law and Society Review 38(3): 433–62.


952 sider






Publisert 22. nov. 2017 12:58 - Sist endret 22. nov. 2017 12:58