

Bates, Daniel G. og Rassam, Amal. 2001. Peoples and Cultures of the Middle East. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Kapitler: 4: Communal Identities and Ethnic Groups, 90-119; 8: Kinship, Marriage and the Family, 201-225; 9: Women and the Social Order, 226-250; 10: Local Organization of Power: Leadership, Patronage, and Tribalism, 251-277.


Abu-Lughod, Lila. 1999. Veiled sentiments : honor and poetry in a Bedouin society. Berkeley, Calif.: University of California Press.

White. Jenny B. 2002. Islamist mobilization in Turkey: a study in vernacular politics. Seattle, Calif.: University of Washington Press

Det er totalt 3 ulike kompendier til M?NA1504

Artikler i gammelt kompendium (redusert pris): (f?s kj?pt i Kopiutsalget p? Akademika)

Abu-Lughod, Lila. 2002. “Do Muslim Women Really Need Saving? Anthropological Reflections on Cultural Relativism and Its Others.” American Anthropologist. 104(3):783-790.

Bayat, Asef. 2002. “Activism and Social Development in the Middle East.” I International Journal of Middle East Studies. 34 (1):1-28.

Dodd, Peter C. 1973. "Family Honour and the Forces of Change in Arab Society". International Journal of Middle East Studies. 4:40-54.

Holy, Vladislav. 1989. Kap. 4, “Agnation, power and the symbolic significance of FBD marriage” og kap. 5, “Preference for FBD in context.” I Kinship, honour and solidarity. Cousin marriage in the Middle East. Manchester: Manchester University Press. Side 93-128, 129-138.

Naguib og Thorbj?rnsrud. 1996. “Midt?sten.” I Howell, Signe og Melhuus, Marit (red.): Fjern og n?r. Sosialantropologiske perspektiver p? verdens samfunn og kulturer. Oslo: Ad Notam Gyldendal. Side 469-492.

Tuastad, Dag. 1997. ”The Political Role of Football for Palestinians in Jordan”. I Gary Armstrong and Richard Giulianotti, ed. Entering the Field. New Perspectives on World Football. Oxford: Berg Publishers. Side 105 - 122.

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Al-Azm, Sadik (1995) Orientalisme og omvendt orientalisme. I Gunnvor Mejdell, red. Mot hevdvunne sannheter. Oslo: Cappelens Forlag. 11-30.

Barakat: H., 1993. Arab Society. Basic Characteristic Features og The continuity of old cleavages: Tribe, village, city. I The Arab world: society, culture, and state. University of California Press, Berkeley, CA. 12-31 og 48-69.

Fadia Faqir. 2001. Intrafamily femicide in defence of honour: the case of Jordan. Third World Quarterly 22 (1): 65-82

Geertz, Clifford. 1973. Thick Description: Toward an Interpretive Theory of Culture. I The Interpretation of Cultures: Selected Essays. New York: Basic Books. 3-30.

Lang, Sharon. 2002. Sulha Peacemaking and the Politics of Persuasion. Journal of Palestine Studies 31 (123): 52-66.

Lindholm, C. 1995. The New Middle Eastern Ethnography. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 1:805–820.

Mernissi, Fatima. 1975. The Muslim Concept of Active Female Sexuality. I Beyond the veil: male-female dynamics in a modern Muslim society. Cam?bridge, Mass: Schenkman.27-45.

Mojab, Shahrzad. 2004. The Particularity of ”Honour” and the Universality of ”Killing”. I: Mojab and Abdo (red.) Violence in the Name of Honour: Theoretical and Political Challenges. Istanbul: Bilgi University Press. 15-37.

Salzman, Philip. 2008. Defense and offense. Honor and rank in the Middle East og Tribes and State: The Dynamics of incompatibility. I Culture and Conflict in the Middle East. New York: Humanity Books. 101-129.

Sharabi, Hisham. 1988. The Social Formation of Neopatriarchy og The Structure and Relations of Neopatriarchy. I Neopatriarchy. A Theory of Distorted Change in Arab Society. New York: Oxford University Press. 26-48.

Singerman, Diane. 1995. The Family, Politics and the Familial Ethos. I Avenues of Participation: Family, Politics, and Networks in Urban Quarters of Cairo. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. 41-73.

Tuastad, Dag. 2003. Neo-Orientalism and The New Barbarism Thesis: Aspects of symbolic violence in the Middle East Conflict(s). I Third World Quarterly. 24 (4):591-599.

Artikler i nytt kompendium 2 av 2: (f?s kj?pt i Kopiutsalget p? Akademika)

Herb, Michael. 1999. The Emergence of Dynastic Monarchy and the Causes of Its Persistence. I All in the Family. Absolutism, Revolution, and Democracy in the Middle Eastern Monarchies. New York: State University of New York Press. 21-50.

Todd, Emmanuel. 1985. Endogamy. I The Explanation of Ideology. Family Structures and Social Systems. Oxford: Basil Blackwell Ltd. 133-154.

van Bruinessen, Martin. 2003. Kurds, States and Tribes. I Jabar and Dawod (red.). Tribes and Power. Nationalism and Ethnicity in the Middle East. London: Saqi. 165-183

Weir, Sheilagh. 2007. Principles, Rules and Sanctions. I A Tribal Order. Politics and Law in the Mountains of Yemen. Austin: University of Texas Press. 143-166.

Publisert 22. apr. 2008 17:09 - Sist endret 1. sep. 2008 16:38