
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
21.08.2003Dag Tuastad holder alle forelesningene? Torsdag kl. 10.15-12, Auditorium 2, Kjemibygningen? Introduksjon, oversikt over kurset? Bates og Rassam kap 1: The setting: Human Geography and Historical Background. 30 s.

Naguib og Thorbj?rnsrud: Midt?sten. 25 s.?

28.08.2003? ? Orientalisme og ny-orientalisme? Bates og Rassam kap 2: Islam: The Prophet and the Religion. 28 s.

Bates and Rassam kap 3: Islam As Identity, Islam As Culture. 31 s.

Said: Innledning til Orientalismen. 26 s.

Mamdani: Good Muslim, Bad Muslim. 10 s.

Tuastad: Neo-Orientalism and The New Barbarism Thesis: Aspect of symbolic violence in the Middle East Conflict(s). 10 s.?

04.09.2003? ? Erverv? Bates og Rassam kap 5: Pastoralism and Nomadic Society. 23 s.

Bates og Rassam kap 6: Agriculture and the Changing Village. 28 s.

Bates og Rassam kap 7: Cities and Urban Life. 30 s.

Hopkins: Clan and Class in Two Arab Villages. 25 s.

Waterbury: Peasants Defy Categorization. 23 s.

Geertz: The Bazaar Economy: Information and Search in Peasant Marketing. 7 s.?

18.09.2003? ? Slektskap og etnisitet? Bates og Rassam kap 4: Communal Identities and Ethnic Groups. 30 s.

Bates and Rassam kap 8: Kinship, Marriage and the Family. 25 s.

Holy: Agnation, power and the symbolic significance of FBD marriage, - og - Preference for FBD in context. 36 s.?

25.09.2003? ? Kj?nn; kvinners rolle? Bates og Rassam kap 9: Women and the Social Order. 25 s.

Nelson: Public and Private Politics: Women in the Middle Eastern World. 12 s.

Abu-Lughod: Do Muslim Women Really Need Saving? Anthropological Reflections on Cultural Relativism and Its Others. 8 s.

Abu-Lughod: The romance of resistance: Tracing transformations of power through Bedouin women. 14 s.

Lazreq: Nationalism, Decolonization and Gender, Between God and Man and Conclusion. 40 s.?

02.10.2003? ? ?re? Abou-Zeid: Honour and Shame Among the Bedouins of Egypt. 16 s.

Dodd: Family Honour and the Forces of Change in Arab Society. 14 s.

Wikan: Shame and Honour: A Contestable pair. 17 s.?

09.10.2003? ? 'Tribalisme'; debatten om segmentering som trekk ved arabisk politisk kultur? Bates og Rassam kap 10: Local Organization of Power: Leadership, Patronage, and Tribalism. 26 s.

Dresch: The Significance of the Course Events Take in Segmentary Systems. 15 s.

Tapper: Anthropologists, Historians, and Tribespeople on Tribe and State Formation in the Middle East. 25 s.

Anderson: Tribe and State: Libyan Anomalies. 14 s.?

16.10.2003? ? Folkelig organisering; former for makt og motstand? Bates og Bassam kap 11: Challenges and Dilemmas: The Middle East Today. 24 s.

Bayat: Activism and Social Development in the Middle East. 28.

Tuastad: The Political Role of Football for Palestinians in Jordan. 17 s.?

23.10.2003? ? Monografi, oppgavegjennomgang? Kanaaneh: Birthin the Nation. Strategies of Palestinian Women in Israel. 256 s.?
30.10.2003? ? Samme som ovenfor.? Samme som ovenfor?
06.11.2003? ? Samme som ovenfor.? Samme som ovenfor.?
Publisert 6. mars 2005 02:44