
# Kj?pes p? Akademika. ?vrig pensum kan lastes ned her eller vil bli gjort tilgjengelig via Fronter.

#Filiu, Jean-Pierre: The Arab Revolution: Ten Lessons from the Democratic Uprising, 2011. London: Hurst. (Hele boka, 148 s.)

“Guide: Christians in the Middle East”, BBC NEWS (5 s.)

Jarjour, Riad: “The Future of Christians in the Arab World”, i Betty Jane Bailey & J. Martin Bailey (red), Who Are the Christians in the Middle East, 2003. Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans. (10 s.)

Kahf, Mohja: “From Her Royal Body the Robe Was Removed: The Blessings of the Veil and the Trauma of Forced Unveilings in the Middle East”, i Jennifer Heath (red.), The Veil: Women Writers on its History, Lore and Politics, . Berkeley: University of California Press. (12 s.)

#Selvik, Kjetil og Stig Stenslie: Stability and Change in the Modern Middle East, 2011. London: I.B. Tauris. (Hele boka, 260 s.)

Thorbj?rnsrud, Berit: ”Motstand mot sl?r /motstand med sl?r”, i Nj?l H?stm?lingen (red.), Hijab i Norge: Trussel eller menneskerett?, 2004. Abstrakt forlag. (15 s.)

Thorbj?rnsrud, Berit: “”This war is predominantly about women”: Orientalistiske diskurser om kvinnemishandling”, 2005. Babylon Vol.3 Nr.2. (12 s.)

#Utvik, Bj?rn Olav: Islamismen, 2011. Unipub. (Hele boka, 340 sider).

Utvik, Bj?rn Olav: "Med Europa som barbarisk fotnote: Verdshistoria sett fr? Kairo ", 1997. Samtiden 2/3. (10s.)

#Vik?r, Knut: Ei verd bygd p? Islam: Oversikt over Midtaustens historie, 1993, 2004. Samlaget. (Hele boka, 267 sider).

Vogt, Kari: ”Historien om et hodeplagg”, i Nj?l H?stm?lingen (red.), Hijab i Norge: Trussel eller menneskerett?, 2004. Abstrakt forlag. (12 s.)

Johanne Kuebler, Overcoming the Digital Divide: The Internet and Political Mobilization in Egypt and Tunisia , CyberOrient, Vol. 5, Iss. 1, 2011,

Mona Abdel-Fadil, New Modes of Communication: Social Networking, Text Messaging, Skype: Egypt: Encyclopedia of Women & Islamic Cultures General Editor Suad Joseph. Brill, 2011

Til sammen ca. 1100 s.

Publisert 21. mars 2012 08:33 - Sist endret 23. aug. 2012 15:22